1. #1

    Why is UF so much better than EB?

    I see that a lot of people use unleashed fury and they say it is way better than elemental blast.

    Can somebody say why it is so much better and if there is any situation where you want to use elemental blast instead?

    I'm just a guy trying to up his dps

  2. #2
    Assuming you're talking about elemental.

    As to why it's better, elemental blast is random in which stat it gives you while UF is just a flat dmg increase. Potentially EB could come out on top if you are very lucky (multistrike buff on most of the casts) but on average it's weaker. You want to use EB on any fights with cleave because UF doesn't buff chain lightning, so on twins, brackenspore and tectus I run EB.

  3. #3
    Yea sorry should have said it was for elemental. And how much dps loss is it to use EB in any other fights than cleave?
    I just really love the visual for EB

  4. #4
    In my gear EB sims at ~900 less dps than EF which is a ~3% difference. 450 seconds stationary single target.

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