<Thanks for All the Fish> is a 90-day old casual guild that is taking all players. Looking for a new home or enjoy building a new one? Then look no further. Our guild consists of an average age of 25+. We pride ourselves on catering to players that may have started 10 years ago, but have since grown up and made those things we call "commitments."

Have a weird work schedule or pesky PTA meetings to attend? No worries! Our patented RaidWhenYouWantAndNotReallyAlltheTimeIfYouDon'tWantToEither®©™ technology will keep you confident that you'll remain in the guild and have a raid spot whenever you please!

#We're Socialish#
Website: thx4allthefish [dot] com
Twitter: [at] thx4fishguild
Twitch: twitch [dot] tv [slashy] thx4fishguild

#Show Me Your Package#
We currently have about 25 consistent raiders, but want to keep growing in order to have 3 raid teams total; two heroic groups and one mythic. We also really enjoy package deals. Our other development, BringYourFriendsBecauseWhoPlaysVideoGamesWithoutFriendsI'llEvenGiveOneOfYouAnOfficerRoleIf YouReallyWantItThatBad®©™, you'll never worry about your friends' opinions being represented to the powers at be, no matter how bad their ideas might be. If you have a group of friends that is hesitant to make a move, we are also looking to continue networking with additional groups. In the event that joining the guild makes sense, then feel free. If not, keep your guild, hop in our raids, and have a good time!

#When, How, and Why I Need You...Bad#
We raid Tuesday thru Thursday 9 PM - 12 PM EST. We are 7/7N 7/7H in Highmaul so far. Though we accept all comers, our high priority class/roles due to low representation are as follows:
Mistweaver Monk
Windwalker Monk
Enhancement Shaman

We particularly need experienced raiders in the 655+ item level category to shore up our roster for Mythic attempts. If we gain an additional 4-6 people we will have a more than full Mythic group.

#I Want You to Want Me#
We have a bunch of members in the Dallas area, so if you happen to be here, let me know! Add Babagahnoush#1315 for my RealID.