1. #1

    [WeakAura] need help at tracking mate's kick CD

    so my Guild is progressing Imperator Mythic atm and we have problems with chainkicking the Mages in the transition.
    Is there a way to make a WeakAura that maybe shows an Icon with the cooldown of your previous kicker so how you its your turn now?
    Maybe with a sound or sth. when he kicked?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    indication = whatever you want
    trigger > event > combat log > spell > cast success
    -put source name (for example one of your mages)
    -put name of the spell (counterspell for mage)
    hide = timed; and put cooldown for a spell here (24 for counterspell)

    add custom actions to this on hide or fade if needed
    Last edited by Translit; 2015-01-27 at 03:56 AM.

  4. #4

    Is there a way to display the Source Name in addition to the icon?
    Preferably via the custom text function on the Display tab, not changing the trigger to custom, so it's easier to exchange the source/spell name for the members of our raid.


  5. #5
    just write the same name to display tab by hand as source name in trigger. Easiest way

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