1. #1

    Question New to DK and I've got issues with rotation

    Hey everyone,

    I started playing the game in late MoP but I just picked blood DK and decided to tank with it just because I really like their defensive cooldowns and I have always wanted to try it out.

    Here comes my problem:
    I have read many, many guides about DK rotation but it still bugs me. I should always bank one blood rune for Rune Tap and I should always bank one unholy and one frost rune for emergency Death Strike, right? When I do this there comes a point where I'm idle, my plague leech is on CD, runes are recharging, I do not have enough runic power for Death Coil and not enough charges on Blood Tap to use it as well. Should I just chill then and wait for runes to fully recharge or is it okay to spend the banked runes to push for more dps?

    I have read as well that runic power recharges better the more multistrike I have. Right now I'm sitting on a low amount of it (800~) but I did not enchant my gear yet.

    What do I do then:

    1. Spend banked runes when this happens.
    2. Just sit and wait for runes to fully recharge
    3. ???

  2. #2
    Adding to the above post, the more multistrike you get, the less downtime you will have. With larger amounts of MS, the runic generation that you'll have will be so great that it'll be hard to spend it all within your gcd's. Also, runes > blood tap charges > runic power

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