Thread: Loot addons

  1. #1

    Loot addons


    I'm looking for addons to help with master looting in very specific ways. Note that I'm a coder myself, so I'm very interested in advice along the lines of "XXX isn't quite what you want, but would be a good base to modify".

    Right now, our loot system works like this:
    - master looter links an item of loot
    - everyone who wants it links the current item they'd be upgrading and states MS/OS
    - once everyone else has had a chance to see what everyone else is upgrading, they /roll if they think they've got a reasonable case for getting the item
    - highest roll wins.

    Firstly, I'm interested in an addon that would let us keep this system, but speed it up - e.g. let everyone just press a "MS" button and it automatically links their upgrade. Or similar.

    Secondly, I'm considering an alternative where everyone just /rolls, but their roll is boosted by how big an upgrade it is for them. E.g. if you're upgrading a 640 to a 680 then 40 (or maybe some multiple of 40) gets added to your random /roll.

    Anything suitable out there?

  2. #2
    i believe epgplootmaster can do exactly this. shows you their button choice (upgrade/bis/bad stats/pass/etc) and gives everyone an arbitrary roll you can choose to use or not use. also shows you their currently equipped item, their current ilvl, and any notes they have set for the item they rolled on.

  3. #3
    That sounds like a great start, thanks! When you say "shows you", though, does "you" mean just the loot master? We'd like it all to be public.

  4. #4
    x-loot might work too
    i was using it for a while and it had a crap ton of options
    not sure what you mean by "public"
    when i play with someone i just hit the free for all so not sure what you are wanting there

  5. #5
    As in, all raiders should see what everyone else would be upgrading, so that they can decide whether to pass on the item in favour of someone for whom it's a bigger upgrade.

  6. #6
    epgp lootmaster (or perhaps RC loot council.. both are VERY similar)

    Not sure how much time you've had to look into this since it was already posted by someone BUT:

    epgp lootmaster is configurable so that everyone in the raid can see what the *lootmaster* sees... eg; the list of everyone and:
    - What they clicked (MS, OS, etc...)
    - What they are wearing in that item slot
    - a pre-made /roll 100 for every player, again, that everyone can see is already done, should you decide to do it via roll.

    After the *timer* is done (or everyone has input their decision.. you can either discuss, or, possibly use the *vote* system within the addon.

    I personally have never used the vote system as it adds more time to the loot, and I try to be very fast with it, BUT.
    From when I looked through the options, you should be able to declare all guild members of guild rank X (you set) as *members of the loot council* with a vote, AND you can set an option that dis-allows voting for self.

    as for RC Loot Council mentioned above. I just recently saw midwinter start using this addon and it looks almost identical to epgplootmaster.. It may be that it is better coded/newer.. as epgp lootmaster has a few issues (nothing super annoying, just.. issues).. I do not know what options it has, but it may do exactly the same stuff as I listed above without having the extra baggage coding of the epgp system.

    Either way
    The benefits to using 1 of these 2 addons is IMMENSE.
    I used to do a loot system similar to what you are saying -- people linking the item they are replacing and MS/OS and such..
    Thiese addons simplify it SO much.

    and lastly, a recomendation:
    if you use this in a guild group, I DO recomend using epgp... you don't have to use it as the *end all be all of loot*
    The benefit: You get a bit clearer picture of who has gotten a good chunk of loot already, and who has good attendance. (I don't want to go into super detail here and bore the hell outa you.. but trust me when I say it does this)

    Lastly: how I use it.
    My guild does use epgp lootmaster (and epgp dkp reloaded for the distribution of points, which is required should you decide to use epgp as a loot system)
    Base gp 200
    decay 20% (per week)
    120 ep for start of raid/on time and in raid.
    30 ep / 30min until end of raid.
    We use the base GP values for gear with a few exceptions to prevent hoarding or what some feel is overcharging.
    Upgrading from Normal to N-WF, or N-WF to Heroic, or H to H-WF, or H-WF to Mythic... etc etc etc.. counts as a minor upgrade, and is 50% cost
    Upgrading an item to a different same item level (no socket) item, just stat changes, is 25% cost.

    For the purposes of *null value* items; Neck, cape, wrist, belt, boots, rings. I simply follow the epgp priority list. These items contribute very little to a given characters stats.
    Don't get me wrong, I do glance at what the bidding players are currently using, and if someone has a drasitically low item level (and is deserving), then I, the ML, do jump the priority and give the item to them... but for the most part this doesn't happen, and I NEVER break the rule of Raider > Recruit > CRTrial

    For the purposes of *high value* items; tier, trinkets, weapons.. I look very deeply into what people are using, and have already (we also have buttons setup for people to indicate if this tier piece gives them 2p or 4p bonuses.) I do follow the epgp priority if its obvious (a priority of 4, over a .5 for example, indicating that person has not received loot in AGES)

    I'll try to check in on this thread again if you have more questions, or feel free to PM me.

  7. #7
    Thanks very much - great input, really appreciated!

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