1. #1

    Min/Max Stat Priority

    With the release of BRF, I've been switching between Sub and Combat depending on the amount of AoE in the fight. If we're going to min/max it seems that we obviously only go combat for fights with >=2 targets really (some exceptions maybe). Here's my question.

    Because Multistrike seems to sim better results on Combat with targets >=2, why even go for haste? Multistrike is #1 stat for both Sub single target and Combat multi target, so it seems by far the better stat in general for rogues in comparison to haste. Does my logic make sense or what?

    If this is the case why would anyone bother with any haste gear to begin with... BRF has so much mastery/multistrike gear that I'm looking at for my sub set. Is there even a need to have two sets at this point since sub gear may even be BiS for combat multi-target as well?

  2. #2
    theres (multiple) topics about this on here, but yes, you are right, if you use sub/combat just gear for sub and use same set (bar the weapons) for combat aswel.
    gearing haste hursts your sub spec way more than using your ms gear for combat

  3. #3
    Sorry I didn't mean to re-post something that was already being discussed. I've seen this topic talked about on a few different threads but I didn't see a dedicated one, my mistake!

  4. #4
    wasnt meant to sound punishing, was just saying so you might want to look 'em up

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