Thread: Gear Question

  1. #1

    Gear Question

    Hello All. I have been reviewing skullflowers BiS guide(as that is the only one I can find) and I had a couple of questions regarding gear from different difficulty.
    Obviously Mastery/Multistrike are our top 2 stats as UH(in no particular order).
    My question is I currently have the 665 thogar neck and 665 blackhand shoulders since they carry those 2 stats.
    Is it worth keeping those pieces until I get the heroic/mythic versions because of the secondary stats they carry?
    I have the 680 oregorger shoulders which are total crap with haste/vers and I have the 680 hanz and franz neck with crit/haste.
    I also have the 665 Flamebender Kagraz sword sitting in my bags with mastery multistrike, but im not sure if its better than my current wep, because of the wep damage.
    armory link
    Skullflowers BiS List

    If somebody would be able to provide me with some guidance I would greatly appreciate it!
    P.S. please dont mind the plaguebearer talent as I took it for doing mythic trash last night and never swapped out of it

  2. #2
    Okay so normally secondary stats don't matter too much. They're going to be weighted something like 1 for strength, .6 for mastery and multi, and .4 for haste and versatility. So an item with 2.5 haste is the same dps boost as an item with 1 strength. An item with 1.5 haste will be the same as item with 1 mastery/multistrike. First, you can do the math yourself by looking up the weights of all your stats and literally calculating them out by using the item with highest total or you can go to askmrrobot and download that add-on which is amazing and very useful.

    Secondly, you'll want to find out your own personal weights, as the weights you'll find online and in askmrrobot will be for best in slot gear. You can do this with simulation craft, but you don't have to as it won't be that far off from the general weights. The gear you actually have on has different stats and therefore different diminishing return values on each stat (even though multi/mastery may be equally weighted, if all your gear has mastery, each additional point of mastery will become weighted less and less until additional points in multi strike will be worth far more).

    For the most part though, a 10-15 ilvl increase will provide enough strength to overcome any bad secondary stats, while you may want to look closer at around 5 ilvl. Also, just use askmrrobot because it'll make your life a lot easier.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Opkorean View Post
    If somebody would be able to provide me with some guidance I would greatly appreciate it!
    P.S. please dont mind the plaguebearer talent as I took it for doing mythic trash last night and never swapped out of it
    What BB said, except consider doing SimCraft first (with scaling). The easiest and most convenient way - especially when considering a roll or DKP on gear is to have Pawn loaded. It's an addon that is customizable and you can create your own stat weights based on SimCraft results and you see the gear "score". I find it particularly helpful in choosing weapons as weapon dps is weighted much higher in frost than in unholy (1.42 vs .73) based on str = 1.00

    Give Pawn a try. I'm an engineer and anything that does my math for me is win.

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