1. #1

    WeakAuras Shadow Reflection debuff track

    I'm trying to find a workaround for the problem mentioned here :

    Do you guys have any bro tips ? It happens from time to time and may be confusing. Problem is that Shadow Reflection Rupture & Your rupture share the same ID.

    Therefore my WA string supposed to be tracking rupture target debuff (own only ticked) actually tracks my reflection rupture debuff if my own rupture expires.

    Last edited by mmoc13a39946d6; 2015-02-19 at 11:12 AM.

  2. #2
    I have had the same problem. I don't understand why the own only option doesn't work, since reflection should be considered a pet really. Only way I get around it is by using a progress bar, and just keeping an eye on mine, if it suddenly jumps up from 1 sec left to 10 secs left, I know mine's dropped. Not a major issue I don't think, cos backstab multistrikes only seem to affect your own rupture, so yours will always end first.

    A fix for this would be great though!

  3. #3
    I'm not sure you can fix this. It's not just WA that has this issue, I see it in other addons as well. I think the root cause is in the way the API reports the debuff. The only thing you could do is check for increases in duration without a cast or something, but not sure you can do that in WA.

  4. #4
    As a workaround you could track Rupture with bars, not icons. It's easy to recognize which Rupture is yours and needs refreshing when there are two Rupture bars.
    I haven't tried it with WA or TMW bars though, but it works perfectly with RoguePowerBars.

  5. #5
    I use Rogue Power Bars to track rupture. They have their own and when my shadow reflection rupture pops up, I always had a rupture up already and the SR one goes on top, so there is no confusion. Not to mention, if one is a high time left and the other is low, yours is the low one as the SR rupture fades.

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