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  1. #1

    Guild aplication forms going full retard

    So being guildless recently I started looking for guilds to join and noticed quite a few guilds having forms for guild apps that were pretty...strange and asking for info that I consider should be mentioned just at random.

    This is what I would have liked to answer if I didn't actually give a shit about finding a guild.

    Playing a dps warrior.

    What are your talents and why did you choose them?

    Hmm...gee, because Icy Veins says so? Do I like like some fucking theorycrafter?! Cause if I was, I wouldn't be asking to join your shitty 6/10 hc BRF guild. What, you want me to link the Icy Veins guide or something?!

    What is your rotation?

    You fucking kidding me?! Just google Icy Veins and you'll see my rotation.

    What is your raiding experience and progress?

    You just asked for my armory link, it's all there right under the character's picture, you're so fucking lazy that you want me to spell it out?! Okay, 10/10 mythic BRF, if you must know, and don't you dare actually double checking to see if I'm lying, that would require effort.

    What addons do you use during raids?

    DBM and Recount
    *actual real response that I got* I'm afraid that's not enough.
    You must be joking. I'm a fucking warrior, do I need Vuhdo, Failcounter, Decursive (is that still a thing)? These aren't even fucking needed, they're just optional unnecessary fluff and tools for raid leaders, only addon that is arguably needed as dps is DBM.

    Tells us a bit about yourself.
    Uh...I told you my name, age and location in the first few questions. Are we on a date?! What is this, a talk show?! You want me to share some personal information with some strangers on the web?! What if I don't get invited after all, did I just share some personal info with some strangers for no particular reason? Fuck you, A/S/L is all you get right now, maybe you'll know more when I've been in your guild for more than two weeks.

    We will process your application and get back to you in 4 or 5 days
    Holy crap! It takes you 4 days to read a fucking application?! Maybe you should stop playing video games and take up knitting. 24 hours is all you get, dickwad, then I apply to another guild, I'm not waiting a fucking week for you get off your ass and then say No anyway.

  2. #2
    Banned -Superman-'s Avatar
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    Rant threads are bad, and guild apps are what they are. If you dislike it, go with a guild that doesn't screen their elitists.

  3. #3
    I know you went overboard and probably trolling. But you do have a point. Some of the applications that a lot of dubious guilds use are quite shockingly entitled. They act like they're a top 10 guild. Taking things way too seriously.

    Having said that answering all the tedious questions shows that you are invested in getting into the guild and this is a sign that you will not leave mid-trial i.e. waste of time.

  4. #4
    Guess you wont be finding a guiild then. Also youre wrong. stay mad pleb.

  5. #5
    Sounds like someone needs a nap. Looks like they're looking for creative people that can think for themselves. Sorry, but your application has been denied.

  6. #6
    Guild apps are there to sort out those who are willing to put effort in from those who can't be arsed and very little else.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    This is a perfect app to weed out the angry people from a guild

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    What are you trying to accomplish with this thread? - besides bitching
    Do you ever have controversial opinions? You're always going with the grain.

    Can you at least list one controversial opinion of yours please?

  10. #10
    trolling or not aside, he's not wrong in what he said

  11. #11
    That format is dated, you can glean all the necessary info from a parse so I would be concerned they would ask those questions and not ask for a parse. Red flag!

    Edit: of all the weird things that aren't allowed here I'm pretty surprised that posting just to crap on OP is allowed. There is some discussion to be had here.
    One Sweet Dream

  12. #12
    They are asking all these things for many reasons. One of them is to keep trolls/kids/guild hoppers away. They think that players who can't take 10-15 mins to fill a proper application form are not likely to invest in to raiding what it takes. They also do not feel like boosting such ppl....I can understand their point here tbh.

    If you feel like "I cba to fill this crap to blablablabla" you might not be the one they are looking for.

  13. #13
    I am Murloc!
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    raiding, especially in hard and mythic mode can be long and tenuous. it requires the players to be focussed in raid, capable of being prepared with potions, flasks, tonics, perhaps studying the boss tactic beforehand. And it can be unrewarding on the short term (though highly rewarding in the long run). One can go a few raids without tangible rewards (loot or even boss kill when on progress)

    The application is often the first contact with the guild, the first impression. if a player does not have the patience, 15-30 minutes tops, to simply write a decent application and just say look at icy veins and my armory, can i trust this player to endure month of progress?

    It could be wrong, you could be a very dedicated and skilled player that just don't like application process, but i don't know you, my first contact with you is often through your apply. As the saying goes, you only one chance at making a good first impression.
    Last edited by Vankrys; 2015-02-23 at 01:50 PM.

  14. #14
    All valid questions, I don't see your problem.
    Especially if you are not recruiting Mythic Raiders you want to know if those random people actually know what they are doing.

  15. #15
    Titan Frozenbeef's Avatar
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    I'd rather just stick with lfr/ group finder than be forced to fill out job applications in my free time :S

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenbeef View Post
    I'd rather just stick with lfr/ group finder than be forced to fill out job applications in my free time :S
    And post on forums and have 11.5k posts.

  17. #17
    "Lock and troll" XD nice name and people still take the bait.. trolololololo

  18. #18
    Sounds like the app did what it was supposed to do

  19. #19
    Elemental Lord Tekkommo's Avatar
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    There always has been ridiculous questions in apps, just make up stuff.

    The whole point of it is to show what commitment you have, as raiding does require a lot of commitment. Also, do not under estimate the stupidity of some people, you don't wanna recruit someone who uses Noxxic for example

    I've seen my fair share of apps where people do not know their class, even when the information is so easy to find.

  20. #20
    Dude... you seriously need to unplug from the game for a while.

    Why let things beyond your control make you mad?

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