1. #1

    Is the crafted gun worth upgrading in 6.1?

    I'm a little confused why weapons are not the same item level as the crafted gear.. But do you think it's worth the mats to upgrade? I have like 700 springs and a bunch of bloods.. I will be upgrading my head piece 100% though..

  2. #2
    If you're not going to get an upgrade within a time you deem worthy of the gold (or potential gold 'lost') then its worth upgrading, no-one can really tell you otherwise.

    Also the weapons are lower item level because they're weapons, and are innately more powerful.

  3. #3
    It's a good gun, and if you don't have a heroic/mythic raiding guild I would say so. Otherwise I feel like it's a waste of gold.

  4. #4
    According to Ask Mr Robot with the survival stat weights. The 4/4 crafted gun is 5th overall best weapon for Hunters. (Assuming you have the MS/Vers or MS/Crit stats on it) I may upgrade it because I don't see my guild killing Iron Maidens any time soon on heroic. (Guild can't even dodge trains)

  5. #5
    Do you have a 676 or higher? No.
    Do you already have a 670 and you're tight for gold? No. You'd just be paying for better itemisation anyway.

    Otherwise, the answer's probably yes. For everyone who gets 'lucky' with a weapon the week after, there's someone who doesn't craft the upgrade & then spends 3 months without getting a raid drop.

    The only way you'll get a 680+ is by killing heroic blast furnace, heroic iron maidens or mythic brackenspore - none of those being particularly trivial bosses for the playstyle of people who're currently using a 670-or-worse weapon.

    Your weapon is important - if you're going to spend on anything, it should normally either be weapon or trinkets.
    Last edited by lakhesis; 2015-02-26 at 01:53 PM.
    Toast, being an inanimate object, obviously lacks both the ability and the desire to right itself.

  6. #6
    What iLevel can you get the crafted gun up to now? I have horrendous luck on bow/gun/xbow drops. My guild is new and just clearing normal BRF, haven't gotten heroic brak yet. I am using the 655 bow. Would it be worth it to buy the gun, I wonder?

  7. #7
    I still think the crafted gun is really bugged. I was ecstatic when i got rid of it. I think the heroic and mythic brf will always be better

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ßlink View Post
    I still think the crafted gun is really bugged. I was ecstatic when i got rid of it. I think the heroic and mythic brf will always be better
    Why? If you think it is genuinely buggy, define what you mean by that, otherwise this sounds like an excuse for being a shitty player, TBH, because numbers are numbers, and the gun doesn't *have* a proc to be buggy with.

  9. #9
    What if you have the heroic bow from brackenspore and are considering upgrading the gun that is ideal secondary stats to level 4?
    I'm currently MM without any tier items so logically secondary stats on gun are crit/multi.

    They would both be 670 but one of the two secondary stats fits MM, ergo Gun should be better....no?

    Thanks in advance for the feedback.

  10. #10
    Sim it, or use the stat weights to do the basic math and figure out which is better.

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