1. #1

    WoD mount macro?

    Trying to mount a specific (ground) mount while in Draenor and a specific (flying) mount outside of Draenor.

    does it exist anymore? The one I used in MoP was this:

    /cast [nomounted, noflyable] mount name
    /cast [nomounted, flyable] mount name

    but now in WoD it will always mount the flyable.

  2. #2
    theirs multiple posts on this already, atm its just broken outside of warspear/stormshield where it works properly for some reason.

  3. #3
    This is what i'm using for WoD

    #showtooltip Armored Snowy Gryphon
    /cast [mod:shift]Grand Expedition Yak;[mod:ctrl]Obsidian Nightwing;[mod:alt]Azure Water Strider
    /run if SecureCmdOptionParse"[nomod]"then C_MountJournal.Summon(0)end

    Change the tooltip to whatever you want obviously. I just don't like the random mount icon. Shift for repair mount Ctrl is for the 2seater and Alt is for the water strider. Otherwise it's a random mount from the favorites you selected.

  4. #4
    Here is mine, that also uses actual spells.

    #showtooltip [spec:1] Ember Tap; Life Tap
    /cast [mod:ctrl] Dreadsteed; [nomod, spec:1] Ember Tap; [nomod] Life Tap
    /script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30)
    /stopmacro [nomod]
    /script C_MountJournal.Summon(0)

    Put the following in the macro: "/script C_MountJournal.Summon(0)" then set a few mounts as your favorite. It will summon a random favorite mount based on your area. Works in WoD.

  5. #5
    You probably want to use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/flyable-draenor to make your macro work while this remains an issue; approximately zero performance cost.

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