1. #1

    Question about the correct use of meta form

    Fairly new to the warlock choose to reroll after the ability to find good warlock seemed impossible. My only question is about doom and meta. I run into an issue mid fight where my doom may need to be refreshed but I'm not full on fury. It seems to happen more so on heavy movement fights. At that point do I swap to refresh it then swap out and keep going till I am full fury or do I stay and burn all the fury I have? Other than that I seem to do well on our heroics parsing easily in the 85 and up percentiles. Maybe this question does not matter dps wise but it seems always the little things that make a big difference in the end.

  2. #2
    My two cents - Demonology is often a very dynamic spec, and what you depends on what's going on.

    You definitely need to swap to Meta form and refresh Doom. How much fury you spend may depend on how many Molten Core Procs you have and whether or not you have any trinket procs, legendary procs, or Demonic Synergy procs going on.

  3. #3
    Meta is off the GCD so you can meta/doom/meta without losing dps yes. Just be sure that you won't need to enter meta during the 10 seconds CD (Demonic Leap hello).

    Also unless you're using Demonbolt you don't have to dump all your fury at once. You only want to dump fury only when you have procs up.

    The general rule is that you want to enter Meta when something procs, burn until the buff fades and then go back to building fury regardless of your fury level unless:
    -You want to use Dark Soul soon, in which case you want to pool enough Fury/MC stacks to sustain Meta for the whole DS duration.
    -An encouter specific burn phase is coming up, same thing, be sure to have enough ressources for it.
    -You are going to cap on fury, in which case you want to burn some even if you don't have procs, get back down to 650~700 and go back to building.

  4. #4
    I also look if Dark sould is still a long way off on CD and i get a decent amount of procs il burn some furry especially when the mastery and ring proc together

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