1. #1

    Tracking Shooting Stars proc with WeakAura model

    Since Shooting Stars no longer is a buff but merely restores 1 charge of Starsurge/Starfall I can't figure out a way to track it. I'm looking to have a model aura show for 1.5 seconds whenever Shooting Stars procs. Any guesses?

  2. #2
    I guess there's some kind of combat log event connected to the procs?
    That would be sufficient to show an icon - not that trivial to code though as I guess it requires a custom trigger and you would have to identify the corresponding spell ids

  3. #3
    the texture that appears through the blizzard UI is not good enough? I'm using that and then track the cooldown + stacks of my starsurge.
    That way I know how many stacks I have, how long it takes for the next stack, and whenever the texture in the middle appears I know I have a new stack available..
    There definetly is a combat_log_event you can look for, don't know which one it is right now, would have to test it later today

  4. #4
    I'm using a custom UI and the default blizzard indicator doesn't fit well.

    Been messing around for a while now to no avail. Anyone with some coding experience that could help out? Would be greatly appreciated!

  5. #5
    You track it now via when you get a stack of it added one, its how im tracking it anyway.

  6. #6
    okay I looked at it, you still get an event "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED". You can track this with regular weakaura functions.
    Just track it like this:
    Type: Event
    Event: Combat Log
    Message Prefix: Spell
    Suffix: Aura Applied
    Destination Unit: Player
    Spell Name: Shooting Stars
    Hide: Timed -> x seconds

    What you use to display it (icon, texture ... ) is your decision, after how many seconds it goes away is your decision as well :P I made it with 2s to test it.
    This is the combatlog part where you can see that you still get a buff
    4/2 14:34:03.570  SPELL_AURA_APPLIED,Player-580-044C9367,"PLAYERNAME-SERVER",0x511,0x0,Player-580-044C9367,"PLAYERNAME-SERVER",0x511,0x0,93400,"Shooting Stars",0x8,BUFF

  7. #7
    Works wonders! Thank you so much for helping out

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