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  1. #1
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Best URF champions?

    Played 3 games so far, Evelynn first - was interesting - 0.3 second Q spam was kind of terrifying - half the scariness of my ganks was just the terrifying gnashing of spikes, as though the ground itself were chewing them to death. She fell off late game though because the enemy team had so much hard CC for me (Malzahar ult was the worstttt). I didn't read the rules though before the game, so I had my Magus jungle item with 20% CDR first, that was a mistake ><

    I think if I played it differently Eve could have some potential in URF (maybe AD Eve with 1.8 second Ravages?).

    Second game I went Morgana because I liked the root spam + black shield spam + ult always up + 3 pools active at a time (spell vamp doesn't hurt either in this mode!). Top damage and kills even though I went in as support, she's clearly good at this mode - but we ended up losing (respawn timers get soooo long). Speaking of which, can we Revive in it? That'd be OP!

    Last game I played AP Ezreal mid - combining his high AP burst with 16 second cooldown AP ultimate. Once we hit six mid-lane was unwinnable for them, even if I just threw every other wave down the lane - that'd wipe out the next 2-3 enemy creep waves - and I could still throw the off waves across the map as needed. Won that game pretty handily despite an enemy Zed being pretty broken (spams ghosts and his Q poke every like 2 seconds - absent the energy regen that normally tethers him regardless of build/level).

    I haven't seen a Jinx yet, but I suspect she would be very strong - without mana she could rocket poke forever from L1, and her ultimate must be similarly ~12 seconds at max level or something. Nocturne/Pantheon were my other guesses for strong champions - frequent ults - and terror/stun spam. We had a pretty strong Fizz player that was hyper-hyper-mobile/annoying, so I'd recommend him if you're good with him.

    Lastly, despite seeing a LeBlanc in every game (and understanding that people want to teleport spam) I have yet to see anyone do well with her - her combos are already so fast without URF that I suspect they just can't pull them off - and she's too frail for the prolonged battles this mode tends toward. I haven't seen a Kassadin yet, but I suspect he would be way better - shield spam, wave spam, can spam teleports the entire game (would it be every 0.4 seconds?, 80% CDR on an already only 2 second CD?).

    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  2. #2
    Ziggs, so easy, no mid laner can face me. also kassadin is nice but after 6.

  3. #3
    Warwick. Wits end + sheen = gg. Since everyone plays squishies you one shot them in an ult and spam /laugh

  4. #4
    AD Malzahar

    1.0-2.0 AD Scaling Per Minions x 4 minions

    have fun

  5. #5
    so no one remembers how stupid powerful sona is (grins evily).

  6. #6
    Swain. Activate ult, laugh as everyone dies.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by laumex View Post
    Ziggs, so easy, no mid laner can face me. also kassadin is nice but after 6.
    Ziggs is pretty much god mode. His poke is insane and you can keep tons of snares down.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Antilurker77 View Post
    AD Malzahar

    1.0-2.0 AD Scaling Per Minions x 4 minions

    have fun
    gotta agree with him, tried it and it's just so much fun, go bot solo if needed and auto push the wave, even ashe and jinx can't or a heimer can't push like ad malz.
    At level take drake solo if you like. Just keep spamming skills

  9. #9
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Lissandra is pretty sick too. Every time she has her ult up, you die. And she has her ult up a lot.

  10. #10
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    I have found the best URF champion...<drum roll>


    3 second blind on 1.5 second cooldown = only a long-range mage can pose any threat to him 1v1
    permanent sprint uptime = he's everywhere, all the time, and you can't catch him

    It's so good I might record a game of it and post it, it's just too funny what happens late game where I entrench the entire map in mushrooms like Zerg Creep, terraforming the Summoners Rift into this:

    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  11. #11
    Yea teemos funny, 20 mushrooms round you at all times.

    Maokai is a beast, walk to thier base load the spawn with E and watch anyone who backs die.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    I have found the best URF champion...<drum roll>


    3 second blind on 1.5 second cooldown = only a long-range mage can pose any threat to him 1v1
    permanent sprint uptime = he's everywhere, all the time, and you can't catch him

    It's so good I might record a game of it and post it, it's just too funny what happens late game where I entrench the entire map in mushrooms like Zerg Creep, terraforming the Summoners Rift into this:

    But seriously galio is op against all these mage heavy teams. When i meet a teemo i laugh and sit there while he heals since he can't do enough damage to get past my shield. I'll yell at my team to get back while i go pop every mushroom in the jungle. Hell ill go find one if i'm low health. Teemo usually just runs away from me and the ones you do fight me realize they can't hurt but i can hurt them.

    Also turrets heal you up to full before they get powerful enough to start bringing you down.

  13. #13
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    In the jungle
    AP Shaco... You've never wanted to wish someone to die so fast and no it wasn't me playing it even though I play a lot of Shaco (in fun normal games I don't usually play him).
    Hey everyone

  14. #14
    I main teemo, hell i main every single annoying champion.
    I don't get why most of the teemos choose nashor's tooth and runna's as their core items, people don't realize you can melt any single champion in the game (except Galio) if you go ap penetration.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Antilurker77 View Post
    AD Malzahar

    1.0-2.0 AD Scaling Per Minions x 4 minions

    have fun
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    Swain. Activate ult, laugh as everyone dies.
    I've played both of these. Malzahar was fun, I was able to 1v1 (guess it's not technically, given the voidlings, haha) pretty much anyone with his ult.

    Swain was also fun, permanent ult was great. Getting to 6 was kinda hazardous, but it is for everyone.

    I think so far, I've had the most fun with Syndra. With the 80% CDR, yours Qs last forever, and you can just sit back, spawn a ton of them, and then launch the whole group (kinda like dodgeball, except they can't through them back). And with all the spamming, I pretty much had a max damage ult every single time. And with the CD being only around 20 seconds, well, Kassadin didn't like me.

    The WORST leaning phase I had was against a Thresh/Blitzcrank top lane. I'm going to have nightmares about getting hooked for weeks...

  16. #16
    Poppy with 40% spell vamp is by far the strongest champ I've experienced.

  17. #17
    Azir can be rly strong, he has a lot of attack speed right off the bat which is good, he can spam his Q and have 3 soldies out at all times

    Just have 3 soldies up, and poke them with Q if possible
    When you're going for the kill Q "behind" them, E into them, Ult them in desired direction, Q into them and they will prob be dead if not just E and Q all the way

    Had a game as Ashe mid, went full ad and could use her ult every 16 sec by the end, Rly strong Ult with a stun on a low cd = gg

    Else AP shaco seems to be rly strong, Heca is strong later on in the game, not so much early
    Alistar also seems to be rocking a bit

  18. #18
    I watched a video of an AP Trynadamere that looked fun. AP so the amount of heals you get was retarded.

  19. #19
    Completely Relevant!

    Sona sitting at 70% winrate is pretty freakin crazy, gotta love the mute girl!

    Bard is confirmed worst champ ever too, also I feel bad for Shyvana and Elise, almost never played

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nilinor View Post
    Completely Relevant!

    Sona sitting at 70% winrate is pretty freakin crazy, gotta love the mute girl!

    Bard is confirmed worst champ ever too, also I feel bad for Shyvana and Elise, almost never played
    Reddit has a weird definition of tuning because Sona is still bullshit.

    Bard is impossible to use in Urf because it doesn't have a team builder (at least you can land your support role). Every person I've been with either goes, "BOT WITH MY GIRLFRND!!!!!!!!," so he's fucked if he isn't in the bottom lane (Q is a terrible skill shot).

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