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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by nickseng View Post
    If they brought back TS, they'd have to nerf it so it wasn't the best talent in every single way. Might be easier to just buff the current tier.
    Or even easier from a Blizzard standpoint, do nothing and wait for the next expansion.

    MoP Tier 90 anyone ?

  2. #22
    A lot of our talents need some rethinking.
    For T15, IF is now baseline with 2 charges.
    Evanesce blocks all damage that IB can block, and is on the gcd (needs to be some punishment for 45s immunity, perhaps even silence while buff is on you, can cancel like IB)
    BS doesn't need to be changed, with IF as baseline we can now cast BS + IF while casting and move large distances
    IF adds another charge, or perhaps reduces the charge time.

    T30 damage reduction doesn't do much in general, needs some buffs
    AT add a small damage reduction during the duration, say 10%-20%.
    Flameglow needs a larger amount of maximum damage absorbtion, perhaps a % of max hp could be good
    IB needs to either receive a large buff or be taken off the ICD

    T60 is pick GI and only GI, to start with Invis needs to have a baseline 1:30 cd so that the invis aspect is taken out of the equation
    Cauterize could do with a slightly shorter cooldown say 1:30.
    Cold snap is ugly, maybe add a dr to the end of it, or reduce its cd

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