Poll: Why did you quit WoW in 2015?

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  1. #41
    I found Square's handling of FF14 far more preferable.

  2. #42
    PVP being unfun, 20man mythic feels unfun, and the game doesn't have a WoW feel.

  3. #43
    " Garrisons made the game more about menus than the world "

    Made me lol hard, Garrisons are hardly the cause of that, LFR/LFD are the causes of that and have been present since WOTLK/Cata. I haven't quit yet but I have reduced the time I play the game mostly in part due to a lack of content overall, I log in at raids and that's about it. I didn't like how 6.1 was meant to be Faralon as said at Blizzcon a couple of years ago but it turned into a twitter and selfie patch, I didn't like how Karabor and Bladespire became Stormshield and Warspear, to much cut content, not enough content in general.

  4. #44
    My answer would be a combination of multiple choices. Let's have a story through the options.

    I unsubbed because:

    1) While my guild raids Mythics, I have not had any interest in it and as such I've maxxed out my LFR gear, craftables and BoE purchases. This is because:
    2) I didn't like Highmaul/Blackrock Foundry. I've always playing based on how driven I am by the story. I just find it hard to care about the story and then can't bring myself to work towards raiding. So I am stuck in my garrision, where I quickly noticed that:
    3) Garrisons made the game more about menus than the world. It's boring as hell and it almost began feeling like a chore. I have enough work to do in the real world, I don't want to pay money each month to do more chores and work. Though it wouldn't be so bad if there were tangible rewards. This leads me to:
    4) Garrisons & Profession changes made it harder to farm gold. I was able to make a good nest-egg from enchanting materials, enchants and tailored goods but it's just not worth the trouble any more. This leads me to:
    5) I found a more interesting MMO. I'm really enjoying SWTOR at the moment. I'm playing it like a single player game, and am really enjoying the stories. Plus I don't have to be subbed to enjoy what I want in it. I can get everything I want out of it without spending huge amounts of $$$ like I would on WoW. It just works better for me right now and I am really enjoying myself.

    It's a bit long but like I said, there are a number of reasons all coming together to lead to me being unsubbed at the moment. It's only the 2nd time since I've begun playing WoW that I've been unsubbed so I knew it would take something drastic to get me there. Sadly, Blizz pulled off that drastic level of conditions. My guild duties and friends just couldn't keep me interested anymore. I'll return eventually, but for now, I'm enjoying other products.

  5. #45
    My Sub's up in 6 days, not renewing (been subbed for 7 years with no breaks).

    1. No flight - Small complaint, and not the reason I'm not renewing sub.

    2. 20 man - I liked raiding the hardest content with 6-7 IRL friends plus a few others I've played the game with for several years. We've tried 20 man, got to 7/10m. But it's just not enjoyable anymore so most of us stopped (were bouncing around 300-600 rank). Yes sure, we could do Heroic, but there is literally zero challenge there. We never gave a toss about 'Balancing'. Sure some bosses were easier/harder on certain difficulties. But essentially 10/25 were the same thing. 20 man may make sense from a tuning point of view, but also shuts out lots of people like myself.

    3. Simply lost interest - 7 years playing one game is a long time.

  6. #46
    I played for 6 years straight, quit last year to play League full time. Game is just old. It will drop under 5mil subs by the end of the year.

  7. #47
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Where's the option for WoD feels like overproduced trite with no warcraft soul?
    That sounds like it'd be the Story to me.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  8. #48
    watching twitch all night is free and way more fun than wow, so why bother paying money for it.....

  9. #49
    Pandaren Monk Sainur's Avatar
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    Garrisons made the game more about menus than the world.

    Basically that, professions are ruined, lack of dungeons and I miss the old talent tree. Garrisons are horrible, terrible, spawns of evil. Nothing but clicking through menu's sending your retarded minions on stupid missions. Also the day I saw that WoW would have Twitter intergration and a SELFIE camera I uninstalled WoW and everything related to that shite from my PC.

    Fuck, even MoP is better than this crap they gave us, I mean I wasn't a fan of Pandaland, but the Isle of Thunder was great, I loved the dailies and Throne of Thunder was pretty awesome too.

    But along with the SELFIE camera and Twitter, they also added some more store mounts.

    On a more serious note, fuck that shit.
    "The sword is mightier than the pen, and considerably easier to kill with."

  10. #50
    Other - ran out of stuff I was keen to do.

    I actually really enjoyed WoD, but after a few months, I didn't feel there was much left for me. I've lost the interest I once had in gear grinds (otherwise I could certainly have played more and improved my gear). I'm not really into PvP. Levelling a couple of characters, doing all the zones, dungeons, LFR'ing a few times, maxing out a garrison - yeah, I was done.

    I don't know that there's really much Blizzard could do to keep me subbed for more than a few months with an expansion any more. Since, as I said, I did really enjoy WoD.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
    because WOD is steaming pile of kodo shit.

    waiting on poll
    THIS. And quite honestly I hate WoW players. When I quit my hatred for them really began to fester, because I realize what a pathetic human being you have to be to still sub to this game.

    Part of it is self-loathing for having taken this long to wake up, but god damn does it feel good to be free. Game doing awful is just icing on the cake.

    Last edited by Darsithis; 2015-05-06 at 09:32 PM.

  12. #52
    WoW's a facebook game outside raiding or PvP (and the latter is a complete joke)

  13. #53
    guessing other:
    1: Class Pruning
    2: Prof changes (for me it was not about gold earning)
    3: LFR Changes (IMO was much better in MOP)
    4: weak max level content
    5: flying (would not have been that big of a deal but it kinda felt they were leading us on not giving a direct answer to it on the official site\forums.

  14. #54
    I love how you left NO FLYING out of the poll....
    so i have to chose "Other"...
    it was not the only reason, but it was one of the strongest...

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
    because WOD is steaming pile of kodo shit.

    waiting on poll
    ay ay calm down calm down

  16. #56
    Also, people always bitched that GW2 had no endgame, wod has half the endgame that gw2 had @launch.

  17. #57

    I flew away like the canary leaving the coal mine.

  18. #58
    Epic! Bristae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maleagant View Post

    No flying
    Professions completely useless
    Dailies gone
    No new battlegrounds
    No new dungeons
    No incentive to max reputations
    This exactly! I hate workng my garrison, I hate not flying at all, I hate that the professions mean NOTHING now.
    Fanboy (Fanboi):
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  19. #59
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dadwen View Post
    guessing other:
    1: Class Pruning
    2: Prof changes (for me it was not about gold earning)
    3: LFR Changes (IMO was much better in MOP)
    4: weak max level content
    5: flying (would not have been that big of a deal but it kinda felt they were leading us on not giving a direct answer to it on the official site\forums.
    Flying is a huge one I'm seeing, but it also seems like an excuse and not the real reason.

    I severely doubt somebody who liked WoW would see "no flying" and turn into a hater. Only if you hated it for some other reason first would that push you over the edge.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  20. #60
    I think i've come to an age (22) where i've just lost interest in MMO's
    It's like - when you start from the bottom and you slowly work your way up - i started in BC - i was a noob - every expansion i got slightly better and better until i became really good - then i stayed really good for a long time and now it just doesn't feel fun anymore. Idk if that made sense or not but it's like when i sucked at the game i strived to get better gear because i was under the impression that each epic made a huge difference to my class - now when im raiding - i pretty much get decked out in full BIS or close to it within the first month or so....when i was younger - raiding in a lesser skilled guild - fights were obviously a lot harder for our guild because we weren't good players but now im in a group where we are all good players and it just doesn't seem fun lol...it seems like it's "expected" of me to do well in content just because i've played the game for so long...that's one reason where i feel like i just have to slowly get myself off this game...

    The other reason is just i legitametely feel after raids - i have NOTHING to do and this is the first expansion in a LONG time where i've felt this way. But again i could also relate that back to me just not giving a shit about getting exalted reputations because it technically doesn't reward you with anything that actually makes your character stronger. I think i've just grown out of this game unfortunately Played this game for like 8-9 years now i can't remember when i started exactly - towards the end of vanilla - start of BC. And i know it's a really like cop out answer but i am just good at the game now lol...in every aspect i feel like i've just beaten the game - and for me - i play games to get good at them - once im good at them i don't really play anymore.

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