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  1. #1

    Hearthstone: Why create an original deck?

    I have recently gotten bored with Hearthstone so I figured I would have some fun and create a mech/zoo lock deck that feels new. The deck has pretty good synergy but I am always beaten against face hunter, mech mage, patron warrior.. ( insert net deck here). Why create a new deck and have fun with the game when you can just net deck when that will get you wins? ty guys

  2. #2
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Because it's fun to discover the next good stuff :P

    Just try again!

  3. #3
    What's your plan: to win or to have fun?
    If it's to win, you'll need to have something that is EFFICIENT and can win (at least 50%) against the best decks.
    Face hunters, mech mage, patron warrior... all were tested and tweaked for weeks/month, and still are, by thousand of people, they just not pop out of nowhere. So of course don't expect to beat them with a custom deck you test on our own during the week-end. Did you try to fix it? Is there ANY card you couldn't replace by a better one? Test and improve! Again & again! Maybe you'll end with nothing... but maybe you'll find a sinergy nobody saw before and it will become the new meta!

    And if your plan is just to have fun, well who cares if you never go behond rank 15? You don't have to play in the NBA to enjoy basketball.

  4. #4
    Well every game is like that. You can do whatever you want to have fun but there will always be some optimal way to play. I mean WoW you can use any talents/glyphs you want to "have fun" but if you want to be optimal and perform well you have to choose talents A, B, C etc. Hearthstone is no different.

    You should still try to make your own decks though. Thats how all decks start out, someone comes up with something creative and it ends up being amazing and catching the world by storm. So who knows, maybe you'll break the meta?

  5. #5
    Dreadlord Jaspias's Avatar
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    All commonly used decks are studied for their weak points an eventually countered. You can't create a deck without any possible counters without doing something unexpected. I learned this lesson in Pokemon, I always play against OU teams, but I don't have a single OU Pokemon on my team. To make the perfect deck, you need to experiment.

  6. #6
    I get easily bored of the same decks (with the exception of Control Warrior and Handlock which are permanent decks in my list), so I tend to go wild sometimes and create crazy fun decks. The thing is, I really like Control decks so I never go for face/aggro decks, I always build somewhat greedy Control decks. This means that my crazy decks tend to do well against other Control decks but as soon as a Face Hunter, a Zoo or a Mech Mage appears I get stomped completely.

    Still, I have fun creating these decks and it's always nice to beat players with combos and cards they never expected. But I only bring these decks to casual mode, never ranked, because I can always concede as soon as I meet a Face Hunter/Zoo in casual and lose nothing because of it. A few times I take the challenge of beating the face deck, but it usually ends very badly for me.
    Last edited by mmoc9f0bced709; 2015-05-25 at 10:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jehct View Post
    I have recently gotten bored with Hearthstone so I figured I would have some fun and create a mech/zoo lock deck that feels new. The deck has pretty good synergy but I am always beaten against face hunter, mech mage, patron warrior.. ( insert net deck here). Why create a new deck and have fun with the game when you can just net deck when that will get you wins? ty guys
    You can get creative with decks, but don't expect to win with sub-standard ones. I tried a mech-zoo synergy deck once. Problem is, the warlock gvg cards are pretty awful, too slow, easily countered. Plus, Fel cannon has the potential to damage your own guys. If it was just a better version of demolisher, it might work, but it doesn't.

    It's like that with things like murloc shaman. It just doesn't work as well in the current state of the game.

    Doesn't mean you can't get creative though. There are guys making all sorts of dragon-based decks and making it to legend. But in regards specifically to face hunter, you can't play slow. You absolutely must have some kind of board presence or minion clear on turn 1/2/3 or you are going to get absolutely shrekt. This punishes control type decks who get greedy with a higher curve.

    In other words, you can be creative. But you will get punished if your creativity takes you in a direction that the meta-game will trounce. The fact that people have made dragon priest and dragon paladin and dragon warlock viable is proof enough of that. The fact that you can't make mech zoo work isn't a repudiation of making creative decks, it's a repudiation specifically of mech zoo.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by aSynchro View Post
    What's your plan: to win or to have fun?
    If it's to win, you'll need to have something that is EFFICIENT and can win (at least 50%) against the best decks.
    Face hunters, mech mage, patron warrior... all were tested and tweaked for weeks/month, and still are, by thousand of people, they just not pop out of nowhere. So of course don't expect to beat them with a custom deck you test on our own during the week-end. Did you try to fix it? Is there ANY card you couldn't replace by a better one? Test and improve! Again & again! Maybe you'll end with nothing... but maybe you'll find a sinergy nobody saw before and it will become the new meta!

    And if your plan is just to have fun, well who cares if you never go behond rank 15? You don't have to play in the NBA to enjoy basketball.
    Pretty much this. If you want to climb the ladder you have to use an efficient deck. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that is a fact.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jehct View Post
    I have recently gotten bored with Hearthstone so I figured I would have some fun and create a mech/zoo lock deck that feels new. The deck has pretty good synergy but I am always beaten against face hunter, mech mage, patron warrior.. ( insert net deck here). Why create a new deck and have fun with the game when you can just net deck when that will get you wins? ty guys
    I'd say play in casual with some fun made decks but all I encounter in there are patron warriors and face hunter.

    Seriously why the fuck are people playing those in casual?

    Anyways there are fun variations on decks that are effective.

    You can toss in a Maly ,Thaur and Thaln into a mage, shaman, rogue or warlock deck and take alot of people by surprise.

    The meta is just too fast right now with hunter and mid range zoo dominating to make a "fun" deck that can still do decent for the most part.

  10. #10
    If looking up decks of other people so you can win is playing the game for you, fine. (saying in general, I did read the OP)
    But what's the point? I'd rather be a deck builder than a pilot. I want to build the best deck possible.
    I don't need to win with it, I don't need to climb to legend. I just need to create the deck.

    What really is grinding my gears though, is that the few zoo/hunters that I do lose against, are those that always do the perfect RNG rolls, like, I've never had a 2-damage Implosion used against me, or a useless minion spawn out of an opposing shredder/Bane of Doom.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ravex View Post
    I'd say play in casual with some fun made decks but all I encounter in there are patron warriors and face hunter.

    Seriously why the fuck are people playing those in casual?
    That's also my experience in Casual mode. Very rarely do I find someone with a new deck, it's always Face Hunter, Grim Patron, Zoo, Mech Mage, Tempo Mage with little variation from that point. A few Oil rogues here and there but mostly just the decks I listed above. Oh, and tons of players with Legendary cardback or full golden decks. Casual mode is far from being casual, only difference is the wins and losses count for nothing but quests.
    Last edited by mmoc9f0bced709; 2015-05-26 at 05:28 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ravex View Post
    I'd say play in casual with some fun made decks but all I encounter in there are patron warriors and face hunter.

    Seriously why the fuck are people playing those in casual?
    There are 2 reasons higher ranked players with all the cards do that:

    1. Daily quests for a hero deck that they don't normally play/aren't comfortable with (patron warrior can require a bit of thought and not everyone enjoys playing it, although it is effective)
    2. To learn how to play a new deck. So let's say you get your new, shiny patron deck, are you going to just yolo Leeroy into ranked? Or are you going to maybe practice it first in unranked to learn how the deck plays.

    Anyway I'd say it's 90% dailies, 10% learning decks, and maybe like .1% people who just want to stomp noobs for no reason. Hearthstone isn't that fun to just do that though, and besides, the noobstompers do it on ladder by conceding and de-ranking to level 20 to do it there.

  13. #13
    Immortal Nikkaszal's Avatar
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    I don't like netdecking for one simple reason - it tells your opponent what to expect from your deck. 95% of games I play, I can accurately predict exactly what they'll have and work around it.

    So I make my own decks. Being unpredictable is amazingly good. When I first cobbled together my Mech Priest at the start of GvG no-one knew how to deal with it, because they'd see Warpers in Mech Mage being so critical and target them instead of the Shadowboxers which are hilariously good minions. They'd expect aggro from the first mech and suddenly find themselves against a midgame deck with a decent amount of late power.

    Same with my Shaman deck. It doesn't stay the same for more than a week at a time. I am constantly tinkering with it, trying new things and using some more unconventional cards.

    And it works. Well.
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  14. #14
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    I hate copying decks. It just takes out the fun of creating your own abomination.

    All my decks are original, and most of them suck ass, but sometimes they work.

  15. #15
    Dreadlord Jaspias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikkaszal View Post
    I don't like netdecking for one simple reason - it tells your opponent what to expect from your deck. 95% of games I play, I can accurately predict exactly what they'll have and work around it.

    So I make my own decks. Being unpredictable is amazingly good. When I first cobbled together my Mech Priest at the start of GvG no-one knew how to deal with it, because they'd see Warpers in Mech Mage being so critical and target them instead of the Shadowboxers which are hilariously good minions. They'd expect aggro from the first mech and suddenly find themselves against a midgame deck with a decent amount of late power.

    Same with my Shaman deck. It doesn't stay the same for more than a week at a time. I am constantly tinkering with it, trying new things and using some more unconventional cards.

    And it works. Well.
    This. I don't even have a name for the warlock abomination I created, but i just love the feeling of seeing my opponents with an empty hand while I have a 5 card hand and three minions with taunt on the battlefield.

  16. #16
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    I was just like you. I create decks for fun, and its exactly that, fun! not so much focus on winning and more on experimentation.

    You can still create a good fun deck and win, sure you are going to loose against face hunter and zoo locks, everyone does.

    If you don't want to net deck, discover it on your own, keep working on your deck and evolve it by taking out some cards and finding other cards that work. It takes some time to practice, to discover the perfect fun deck you want, at first you may not have the most sufficient deck for the game, discover combos and synergy, you will loose a lot of games at times, but there will come that day when you got your deck sorted, you will eventually beat a zoo lock or face hunter and it will be the best feeling ever.

    Net decks are there for people who don't want to learn on their own, they want a solution pronto, but there are always room for people like us that want to learn and discover, you got to have patience and the time to do it
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  17. #17
    Netdecking - for optimal play.

    Original deck making - for fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    Look Batman really isn't an accurate source by any means
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    It is a fact, not just something I made up.

  18. #18
    The other issue with "original" decks is people play it 5 times and go "THIS IS SO DUMB I LOSE TO ALL THESE LEGENDARY CARDS" and don't realize that decks take DOZENS of play to get correct. Back when I was 15 and playing MtG when the internet was NOT everywhere (I know, crazy) we used to create our own decks since my parents wouldn't buy me card magazines. What this meant was I built a deck, played it against friends dozens of times and would go "holy crap this card is useless" and then changed it. HS is no different; the people who create the netdecks originally play huge amounts of games to figure it out. Look at Trump; his decks are usually called "Control 2.7" meaning he's gone through countless iterations to get it correct.

    If you make a "fun" deck that doesn't win, find out the part of the game you keep losing at. If it's mid game maybe take away some late game and add mid game to it. I lost to a Dragon/Mech Warlock last night. Seriously don't ask me how but it worked well. I kept waiting for giants so I held onto my BGH's and then he had Nefarion and Chrommagus out and I was like "Oh".

  19. #19
    I got my own deck now that no one runs, which i got from rank 10 to legend with 82% winrate.

  20. #20
    Eventually, I truly believe that Blizzard will create a mode where you either have to make impromptu decks using special rules or pre-make decks with special rules in mind. And that will be awesome and likely lead to some really interesting gameplay for people who get the ins and outs of Hearthstone.

    Until then, just netdeck. Unless you're a deckbuilder and actually want to try something that you think will be better than what the more creative minds have already figured out, you're just shooting yourself in the foot by not netdecking. Granted, I do strongly believe - and I tend to do this with practically every netdeck I've ever taken - that you should modify it heavily based on personal card usage preferences and what decks you're more often facing at that rank. For example, if you do ranks 5-4 you'll see an absolute crapton of face hunters right now to the point where throwing in a Kezan or a Healbot may be worth it, but if you're down at rank 8-9 you won't see quite as many so you should likely go with something a little more well-rounded.

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