Guild Name:
Contraband Gaming


Raiding Schedule:
Tuesday, Thursday, Monday: 8:00PM – 11:00 PM [EST]


contrabandgaming. com
10/10 Normal Blackrock Foundry
10/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry
7/7 Heroic Highmaul
2/7 Mythic Highmaul
3/10M Blacrock Foundry

About Us
Contraband Gaming is a guild based on the mentality of finding players who possess a high skill level but cannot commit to the time-intensive schedule of a traditional raiding guild. This means most of our members have obligations including work, education, and parenting. We understand life comes first and try to provide a place where you can thrive both in-game and out. We seek individuals who have the right attitude above all else. We don’t tolerate drama and are looking for players who can provide value to the raid outside of just numbers. Being dependable, responsible, mature, and timely are just a few traits that we are looking for.

Above all else Contraband Gaming is about having fun. We take the game seriously but with a laid-back attitude. We do our best to maintain a constructive raiding environment that stays away from yelling and hostility even during progression. We are here to kill bosses and progress but not at the expense of making this a chore. That doesn’t mean you won’t spend night after night wiping on the same boss because you will. Our goal is to have some fun while doing it.

We are looking for the player more than we are looking for your gear or class. Gear, achievements, and progression on current content are something we will certainly look at. With that said, we want players who are able to fit in with our core raiders and contribute to our group as a whole. That means feel free to apply even if you don’t possess the experience/gear and don’t play the class we are actively recruiting.

No Bench
If you are a member of the Contraband raiding group you will always raid. We don’t carry an excessive amount of people because we expect our raiders to show up to every raid. Life happens and we all understand if you miss a raid now and again but attendance is a huge part of being a member of our guild.

We are trying to create an environment that is consistent and productive. Turnover is something we want to avoid. This means we want people who are joining for the long run not to simply move on when they have gear.

Wrap Up
If everything here sounds like you then feel free to apply!

Current Needs
Paladin (Holy)
Priest (Holy)(Shadow)
Druid (Restoration)(Feral)

We are always looking for quality players, so feel free to apply if you don't play one of those classes!

Contrabandgaming. com

In-Game Contacts