So, I was just doing my daily shipyard activities. (Somewhat new to shipyard) And the following happened:

I sent my 6 ships, on 3 missions. 4 hours each, reward was gold, and on 1 mission it was 2k apexis crystals. And I had 5 missions left over that were 8 hours each. Then, I went on with my day, joined a raid, and checked my garrison tab, and all of a sudden those 5 missions changed to 1 day each and the apexis reward for the mission I already sent my ship on changed to 1k. So after the raid, I went to my shipyard to see if it was just a bug in the garrison report. It was not, all the missions I had left were 1 day each. So, i logged off and a few hours later i got back on started doing some things returned to my shipyard and all of a sudden these turned back to 8 hours a piece. Could anyone explain what happened?