Inspired by Golden Yak's amazing fanmade expensions and art, i decided to make a class because, well because i feel like it!, thats why,

The Dragons Apprentice(the name definately needs work) , is a double dps tank specced class that focuses on either dishing out dps with a ranged or a melee spec, or nullifying damage he takes with his tank spec, using the right of being taught by dragons aquired from helping the bronze, red and blue dragonflight during cataclysm,

Plains of Magic, is the blue dragonsflights spec, and the tanking one, using wards and other magic abilitys to completely negate damage, this wears shield and sword, with plate int gear, int mastery versatility should be the main focus of this spec

Plains of Life, is the ranged dps spec, using cloth int gear and the power of the red dragonflight, this spec is all aboutbuffing allies and dealing damage through them, int multistrike mastery should be the prime focus of this spec

Study of Time, is the melee dps spec, using time itself it can strike whenever and whereever he wants, it uses mail int gear, and focyses on multistrike crit

i will be writing this spec by spec, starting with the tanking one, working out the details as i go, or have good ideas, i dont have any art... or lore background to support the ideas that pop up in my head, so feel free to correct me, yes, i know the aspects have lost theyre powers, but that doesnt mean the power doesnt excist, or they cant teach others how to use it, thus, the dragons apprentice.