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    Banned want my Slimjim's Avatar
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    Sweden by blood, Confederate by soul.

    The Confederate flag.

    That awkward moment when people who compare Confederates to Nazis actually find out that Hitler was inspired by Lincoln's arguments for centralizing the Union, and that he used Lincoln's controversial view of the American Union almost word for word to justify stripping the American States of their sovereignty in his book Mein Kampf, while making the case for the same in Germany to establish his Third Reich, blaming state's rights and federalism in Germany on the Jews,
    (Source: Mein Kampf. Volume II, Chapter 10: http://www.mondopolitico.com/library...ampf/v2c10.htm )
    and that the Union Army under General Grant actually put out a military order deporting Jews from the South, simply because they were Jewish (General Order No. 11),
    (Source: www.jewish-history.com/civilwar/go11.htm )
    and that the Union Army during the war sanctioned mass genocide of Native American Indians, with one Union Colonel John Chivington and his army, even going out of their way during the war in 1864, to ambush over 200 innocent Cheyenne and Arapaho women and children while their men were away from camp, massacring them and mutilating them, taking their scalps and other body parts as battle trophies, and even going so far as to rip fetuses out of the mothers and cut out genitalia, Colonel Chivington reportedly told his men before the massacre: "Kill and scalp all, big and little; nits make lice."
    (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Chivington )
    and that even Union General Sherman wrote to Union General Grant in 1866: "We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women, children."
    (Source: The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 16, p. 422)
    and Union General John Pope also said during the war on Sept. 28,1862 to Union Colonel Henry Sibley: "It is my purpose utterly to exterminate the Sioux if I have the power to do so and even if it requires a campaign lasting the whole of next year. Destroy everything belonging to them and force them out to the plains, unless, as I suggest, you can capture them. They are to be treated as maniacs or wild beasts, and by no means as people with whom treaties or compromises can be made."
    (Source: http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/project..._excerpts.html )
    and that Union General Custer was rightfully killed by the Lakota, Dakota, Blackfoot, Cheyenne and Arapaho Nations for doing the same,
    (Source: Custer massacres peaceful Cheyenne women and children at Washita River, on their own reservation, while they were flying the white flag of peace: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-h...-washita-river )
    and that the Union was working on a way to deport all black Americans out of the United States for racist reasons, with Lincoln even going before Congress during the war on December 1, 1862 to try and get a Constitutional Amendment for such, and only really giving up on that plan because it was too costly, after actually testing it multiple times,
    (Source: http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jala/262...;view=fulltext )
    and that Lincoln also advocated a Constitutional Amendment to preserve slavery forever in 1861, making it illegal to make any future Constitutional Amendments to end slavery, which passed the US Congress after most of the South had already seceded, with Lincoln even saying in his Inaugural Address: "I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."
    (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corwin_Amendment )
    And that he said he was opposed to slavery in the new Western Territories (that he was having ethnically cleansed of Native Americans), because he wanted to preserve them for whites, and to prevent race mixing with blacks, which he claimed was much higher in States with slavery then States without.
    (Source: Lincoln's Speech at Peoria, Illinois October 16, 1854 : "Whether slavery shall go into Nebraska, or other new territories, is not a matter of exclusive concern to the people who may go there. The whole nation is interested that the best use shall be made of these territories. We want them for the homes of free white people. This they cannot be, to any considerable extent, if slavery shall be planted within them. http://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/histor...oriaspeech.htm "
    The other source is Lincoln's speech at Springfield, Illinois June 26, 1857:
    "A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation but as an immediate separation is impossible the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas. That is at least one self-evident truth. A few free colored persons may get into the free States, in any event; but their number is too insignificant to amount to much in the way of mixing blood. In 1850 there were in the free states, 56,649 mulattoes; but for the most part they were not born there-they came from the slave States, ready made up. In the same year the slave States had 348,874 mulattoes all of home production. The proportion of free mulattoes to free blacks-the only colored classes in the free states-is much greater in the slave than in the free states. It is worthy of note too, that among the free states those which make the colored man the nearest to equal the white, have, proportionably the fewest mulattoes the least of amalgamation. In New Hampshire, the State which goes farthest towards equality between the races, there are just 184 Mulattoes while there are in Virginia-how many do you think? 79,775, being 23,126 more than in all the free States together. These statistics show that slavery is the greatest source of amalgamation" http://teachingamericanhistory.org/l...cott-decision/ )
    and that the Confederate Battle flag was, according to it's designer, designed specifically so as not to offend the Jewish people, the original design being more of a T shape cross, until the designer and delegation received a letter from Charles Moise, referring to himself as a "Southerner of Jewish persuasion", asking that “the symbol of a particular religion” not be made the symbol of the nation. the designer responded by changing the design to a more X shaped saltire saying “it avoided the religious objection about the cross (from the Jews & many Protestant sects), because it did not stand out so conspicuously as if the cross had been placed upright thus.” also saying it was "more Heraldric than Ecclesiastical, it being the ‘saltire’ of Heraldry, and significant of strength and progress (from the Latin salto, to leap).”
    (Source: John M. Coski, The Confederate Battle Flag: America’s Most Embattled Emblem (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006), 5-6.)
    and that many in the Confederate government were Jewish including the Secretary of State Judah Benjamin "The Brains of the Confederacy"
    ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judah_P._Benjamin ),
    Quartermaster General Abraham Myers (Fort Myers in Florida ring a bell? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Myers ),
    the innovative Confederate Medical Officer Dr. Simon Baruch
    ( http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/ar...6-baruch-simon )
    and famed Confederate Sculptor and VMI Cadet Moses Ezekiel
    ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_Jacob_Ezekiel ),
    along with the thousands of other Jewish Confederate soldiers and officers, that the highest ranking Confederate General Samuel Cooper told two Confederate Army Rabbi's in 1864 after analyzing the rosters: "we count about 10,000 to 12,000 Jews who are serving in our Army",
    (Source of the General Cooper quote from one of the Rabbis in: The History of the Jews of Richmond from 1769 to 1917, By Herbert Tobias Ezekiel, Gaston Lichtenstein, p. 164)
    and that that the only Jewish Military Cemetery outside the Nation of Israel is the Jewish Confederate Military Cemetery of Beth Ahabah Synagogue in Richmond,
    (Source: https://bethahabah.org/heritage/hebrew-cemetery/# )
    and that the guy that built Macy's Department store in New York City, Isidor Straus, was actually a Jewish Confederate soldier and blockade runner from Georgia, the same guy and his wife that you saw on the movie Titanic that gave up their first class seats on a lifeboat for others. According to Wikipedia: "friend and Titanic survivor Colonel Archibald Gracie IV, upon seeing that Ida Straus was refusing to leave her husband, he offered to ask a deck officer if Isidor and Ida could both enter a lifeboat together. Isidor was reported to have told Colonel Gracie in a firm tone: "I will not go before the other men". Ida insisted her newly hired English maid, Ellen Bird, get into lifeboat #8. She gave Ellen her fur coat stating she would not be needing it. Ida is reported to have said, "I will not be separated from my husband. As we have lived, so will we die, together." Isidor and Ida were last seen on deck arm in arm. Eyewitnesses described the scene as a "most remarkable exhibition of love and devotion.""
    (Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/the-...on-the-titanic )
    But yeah, keep on comparing these guys to Nazi's for enlisting to defend their homes and families from invasion, an invasion that was proclaimed to not be about ending slavery by President Lincoln himself, and by the Congress' official War Aims Resolution passed in 1861, an invasion that was targeting innocent civilians for burning, looting and bombing.
    (Source of 1861 US War Aims Resolution which declared US invasion was not about ending slavery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critte...son_Resolution )
    And by all means, continue to ignore the systemic racism and mass sanctioned genocide committed by the Union against Native Americans and etc.. which even inspired the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, Creek and other nations to officially ally with the Confederacy and raise entire Confederate Armies to help repel the US invasion of their homes, leading Confederate General and Cherokee Chief Stand Watie to be the last Confederate General to surrender to the Union, some months after General Lee and General Johnston.
    (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confed...dian_Territory )
    Pictured is another Jewish Confederate Monument in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia, separate from the Jewish Military Cemetery I mentioned earlier that is also in Richmond. In case you are wondering about the inscription of the Shema on the marker (Deuteronomy 6:4), it is taken directly from this period prayer that was distributed by Rabbi Michelbacher of Beth Ahabah Synagogue during the war to all of the Jewish Confederate soldiers in the Confederate Army:
    (Source: www.jewish-history.com/civilwar/prayer.htm )
    Prayer for the Confederacy
    Shemang Yisroel, Ad-nay El-hainoo, Ad-noy Achod!
    Oh G-d of the Universe! Although unworthy through my manifestold transgressions, I approach the seat of thy mercy, to crave thy favor, and to seek thy protection. I supplicate thy forgiveness, O most merciful Father, for the many transgressions and the oft repeated disobedience, which cause Thee to command destruction over me. Behold me now, O my Father, supplicating Thy protection! Thou who art near when all other aid faileth! O spare me, guard me from the evil that is impending!
    This once happy country is inflamed by the fury of war; a menacing enemy is arrayed against the rights, liberties and freedom of this, our Confederacy; the ambition of this enemy has dissolved fraternal love, and the hand of fraternity has been broken asunder by the hands of those, who sit now in council and meditate our chastisement, with the chastisement of scorpions. Our firesides are threatened; the foe is before us, with the declared intention to desecrate our soil, to murder our people, and to deprive us of the glorious inheritance which was left to us by the immortal fathers of this once great Republic.
    Here I stand now with many thousands of the sons of the sunny South, to face the foe, to drive him back, and to defend our natural rights. O Lord, G-d of Israel, be with me in the hot season of the contending strife; protect and bless me with health and courage to bear cheerfully the hardships of war.
    O L-rd, Ruler of Nations, destroy the power of our enemies! "Grant not the longings of the wicked; suffer not his wicked device to succeed, lest the exalt themselves. Selah. as for the heads of those that encompass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them. Let burning coals be cast upon them; let them be thrown into the fire, into deep pits, that they rise not up again." (Psalm 140). Be unto the Army of this confederacy, as thou were of old, unto us, thy chosen people— Inspire them with patriotism! Give them when marching to meet, or, overtake the enemy, the wings of the eagle— in the camp be Thou their watch and ward— and in the battle, strike for them, O Almighty G-d of Israel, as thou didst strike for thy people on the plains of Canaan—guide them O L-rd of Battles, into the paths of victory, guard them from the shaft and missile of the enemy. Grant that they may ever advance to wage battle, and battle in thy name to win! Grant that not a standard be ever lowered among them! O L-rd, G-d, Father, be thou with us!
    Give unto the officers of the Army and of the Navy of the Confederate States, enterprise, fortitude and undaunted courage; teach them the ways of war and the winning of victory. Guard and preserve, O L-rd, the President of the Confederate States and all officers, who have the welfare of the country truly at heart. Bless all my fellow-citizens, and guard them against sickness and famine! May they prosper and increase!
    Hear me further, O L-rd, when I pray to Thee for those on earth, dearest to my heart. O bless my father, mother, brothers and sisters. (if married: my wife and children.) O bless them all with earthly and heavenly good! May they always look up to Thee, and may they find in Thee their trust and strength.
    O L-rd, be with me always. Show me the way I have to go, to be prepared to meet Thee here and hereafter.
    My hope, my faith, my strength are in Thee, O L-rd, my G-d, forever— in Thee is my trust. "For thy salvation do I hope, O L-rd! I hope for Thy salvation, O L-rd! O L-rd, for Thy salvation do I hope!" Amen! Amen!

  2. #2
    One thing people forget is that the Civil War was not fought over slavery, and when the war started slavery in general wasn't even really looked down upon up in the North either.

    The Civil War was fought over State's Rights,

  3. #3
    Banned want my Slimjim's Avatar
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    Sweden by blood, Confederate by soul.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ticj View Post
    One thing people forget is that the Civil War was not fought over slavery, and when the war started slavery in general wasn't even really looked down upon up in the North either.

    The Civil War was fought over State's Rights,
    Exactly. People just don't really care about history these days.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ticj View Post
    One thing people forget is that the Civil War was not fought over slavery
    People "forget" this because it's noxious revisionist history by racists in the South disproven by even the most casual reading of the actual declarations of secession that the Confederate states made or key speeches addressing the fundamental nature of the Confederacy like the "cornerstone speech" by Alexander Stephens.

  5. #5
    The Normal Kasierith's Avatar
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    One thread on southern pride-anti late 1800's Union is more than enough.


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