1. #1

    Graphic bugs on the character (neck seam, different colors)

    Did anybody else notice these bugs? They are, depending on the skin tone and graphic settings, very hard to see sometimes and it's nothing major in general.

    But if you zoom in on your character you can see 2 things.

    1. The skin color of the neck differs from the skin color of the face a little bit.
    2. There is a very thin (and hard to see) black line just under the chin of the character. Every character in the game has it. It's just harder to see if you use a darker skin color for example.

    Doesn't really bother me because you have to look very close and carefully at your character but long time I thought stuff like this only happens with mods (Skyrim for example).

  2. #2
    Don't know what I am talking about?

    This is the issue I mean:

    There is a small and thin black seam between the chin and the neck. I believe every character in the game has it, it’s just barely visible so not everyone will notice it and it depends on the lighting, skin color and so on.
    I tried to change the graphic settings, but nothing really helped except a darker skin color which makes the seam almost invisible. If you take a close look at the picture, you can see that the seam goes from left to the right along the jaw.

    I think someone posted a similar issue a year ago or so, it looked much worse back then, so I think the visibility of it got fixed a bit but well, it’s still there.

  3. #3
    Difficult to truly hide completely, but hardly noticeable unless you are looking for flaws. ^^

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