1. #1

    Looking for advice (newish player)

    Hi All,

    Just thought id post here looking for advice seeing I don't actively use any other forum that has LoL on it.

    Ok, so for a little background.
    I started playing league last year around the finals and quit right after the finals were done.
    I started again a few weeks ago and am actually playing ranked games at the moment.
    Played around 50(+10 placement) ranked games in the past 2 weeks.
    I know for some this is nothing but for me it was a huge stepping stone to actually try ranked.
    I play support main and mid second and out of the 60 games I got support 57 times and mid 3 times.

    Now for the advice I am looking for from some of you people that been playing a lot longer.

    I have been running terrible losing streaks the past 2 days giving me like 4/5 losses then 1 win and then a loss etc.(happened to me both days).
    I am at a point were I am (and very ashamed to say) on 32 losses and 28 wins in ranked.
    From these streaks its mostly people rage quiting (we had a renekton top plane that got owned but all other lanes were winning and we were winning team fights so overall we were FAR ahead till he said - fuck it I am going to play basketball at least there I win and logged out. We lost 4v5 20 min later).
    I don't know what to do against things like this, its totally out of my control that other people are just being douchebags.

    From the 60 games I can savely say I got REKT in lane 5 times (one against a d3 adc that was on a smurf with his bronze3 wife - we talked after).
    I can understand that I lose then and I can actually learn from the things I did wrong and improve.

    I can't improve when my team is down a man because of an AFK or a rage quiter every other game.
    Its to disheartening that the "wanting to play" is going very fast.

    What can I do against this? :S:S:S

  2. #2
    There is nothing you can do really.

    Also on this its more of a psychologically thing happening then you actually getting that many losses because of ragers etc. (sorry thats not that clear I'll try to clear it up below)
    First thing is people get angry when losing, no matter what division you are in people get upset when they lose so a game where you felt you had a loss due to a rager etc might actually be already a loss before the rage started.
    Now onto the main part I mentioned (poorly I might add) before, we remember the bad games more because they stick our in our heads, we remember those types of situations more because they upset us more then a normal loss or a normal win, so over time when we look back we remember more and more ragers / afk's then the normal matches.

    To use myself as an example: I use to have the same attitude you had, my head was in a mental state where most games (some games i clearly lost it for our team) when we lost I felt like I played perfectly and it was always my allies going AFK or raging etc, so I started writing down post game what I thought happened, then I started watching my own replays and watching the people who I thought raged etc etc and over time I came to understand its not as bad as I remembered it all and that a lot of the times I was making mistakes that could cost us the game as well as others making mistakes.

    If you can link me/us your op.gg or quickfind or lolking profile I can at least get a handle on some things in your game-play style and offer suggestions, better yet would be to go to op.gg (find your region) and while the game has started click the record button on the website, that way I/others can actually watch your replay and get some idea of what is happening.

    Another point: Getting on a bad losing streak can tilt you, (if your familiar with the idea of tilting just skip over this) tilting means (at least how i see it) you get into a negative mindset that everything is going wrong, you start to play differently and make bad calls, when I start tilting I get very blood thirsty and end up going for really silly kills (usually ending in me dying) which tilts me more and starts a cycle.
    Usually I have a rule if I lose 2 in a row take a break, play some hearthstone, go for a walk, make a coffee etc then come back, if I then lose 2 more (or still feel tilted after 1 more game) I call it there for the day as I know I will only hurt my ratings in the long run.

    Hope this all helps, look forward to seeing your response.
    Last edited by rykon1459918; 2016-03-14 at 09:32 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes and clarity

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by woozie21 View Post
    I am at a point were I am (and very ashamed to say) on 32 losses and 28 wins in ranked.
    W/L ratio doesn't mean shit at the end of the day tbh. Think i had like a 15% win ratio on one of my favorite champions last season, and it didn't really matter that much.

    As for the rest of your post:

    -As cheesy and retarded as it sounds you need to stop playing for wins and only focus on improving yourself. Obviously winning is fun and should be your goal every time, but you only need to focus on your own play, what you could have done better etc.

    -You're in bronze atm, so it's not really a surprise if you have awful players on your team or people who ragequit. There's nothing you can do about afks/quitters most of the time, so just ignore them and move on.

    -If you keep losing just take a break or come back tomorrow. More likely that you'll lose the next game aswell if you go into it tilted out of your mind.

    -If you want to climb support isn't really the best role for it. Obviously you can do it, but you have more impact on the other roles. If you like to support then keep on keeping on, but there's that point aswell.

    Tbh there isn't much we can give you. Just change your mindset away from "winning" to "improving".

  4. #4
    -If you want to climb support isn't really the best role for it. Obviously you can do it, but you have more impact on the other roles. If you like to support then keep on keeping on, but there's that point aswell.
    I so hate it when people say this. I always assume it's the damage dealers from WoW saying stupid shit like this. Hell the map vision and making sure enemy team has less map vision is already crucial, and that doesn't even have anything to do with the champ you're playing. But I guess for some, the super peel, cc, initiation, heals, map vision, and support on actives aren't important when you could do 35270573527502 damage and think you're God.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    I so hate it when people say this. I always assume it's the damage dealers from WoW saying stupid shit like this. Hell the map vision and making sure enemy team has less map vision is already crucial, and that doesn't even have anything to do with the champ you're playing. But I guess for some, the super peel, cc, initiation, heals, map vision, and support on actives aren't important when you could do 35270573527502 damage and think you're God.
    If i had the choice between picking a really good zed that can make the fight a 4v5 as soon as it starts and get away with it, or a really good Janna i'd probably pick the Zed almost always. I'm not saying that support is fucking useless in terms of carrying games, but there's a reason why every god damn person since the dawn of league has said "learn to play jungle/mid/adc if you want to climb fast", and that's because you don't have to rely on other people as much (less so on adc).

  6. #6
    Thanks for the answers, much appreciated!

    I am not in bronze though, I'm in Silver (probably not much of a difference of players).

    That being said I always try to look at my self first and I make a lot of mistakes (like you would expect from silver players) but at least I am not giving up and rage quiting.
    Or yelling at other people or anything like that.

    I do my thing, try to get my lane rolling and try to keep the peace between others as the nr1 reason to lose is when your team is a bunch of douche bags yelling at each other.

    Anyway, I will keep on going and hope it will get better when I improve my own game play .

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by woozie21 View Post
    Thanks for the answers, much appreciated!

    I am not in bronze though, I'm in Silver (probably not much of a difference of players).

    That being said I always try to look at my self first and I make a lot of mistakes (like you would expect from silver players) but at least I am not giving up and rage quiting.
    Or yelling at other people or anything like that.

    I do my thing, try to get my lane rolling and try to keep the peace between others as the nr1 reason to lose is when your team is a bunch of douche bags yelling at each other.

    Anyway, I will keep on going and hope it will get better when I improve my own game play .
    On that linking your summoner profile would be useful for us, I can get an idea of warding patterns, item builds etc

    However if your not comfortable doing that its fine, just trying to help.

  8. #8
    The game system will always pull you towards 50% winrate. Such winrate actually means the matching system works well.

    The only people who have significantly higher winrates than 50% are:

    1) Smurfs, until they reach appropriate division.
    2) Top Challenger players, for whom system can't find equally skilled opponents.
    3) People not playing solo, until certain moment.

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