1. #1

    QUEST: Riptarr the MEGA!!!

    You are Riptarr the Mega, you are on a quest to the castle of the Great Meir Coon, to defeat the Meir Coon and to take his crown for yourself.

    You may draw a picture of Riptarr the Mega and Riptarr the Mega may be several different people as in he could be a band of people should one wish him to be.

    To get to the castle of the Great Meir Coon you must pass through but not exactly this order:
    a lake,
    a swamp,
    a mountain,
    a bigger mountain,
    a troll called Grey,
    the Dungeon of Terrible Delight,
    a cave with damp walls,
    the village of Misha,
    another village called Muthut beside the sea,
    a city called Muthut,
    a town called Minty,
    a metropolis called Mezzaloop with it's ruler Guntug,
    a dark cave with an even darker secret,
    a man stuck in a cage with a key to a gate,
    a bridge,
    a sheep,
    a post office,
    the army of Guntug the second;
    the great wall of Toogna,
    Toogna's sister,
    the sea of the Never Nonce,
    a large group of enraged swans,
    the Great Meir Coon's guards,
    the great gardens of Mezzaloop,
    the locked great gardens of Mezzaloop's gate
    and a small but likable imp called Deshprenday whom cannot be anywhere but dark places.

    You may choose one weapon:

    A branding iron, a bow with 10 arrows, a long but brittle spear, rope, or the Mega board.
    (note that you may upgrade the weapon every time you pass through five different places):

    In order to defeat the Great Meir Coon you must have upgraded your weapon 4 times so that is is either level 4 or higher.

    The Great Meir Coon enjoys beetroot salads and has an appetite for loud yodeling.

    The Great Meir Coon's Guards are master craftsmen and can upgrade any weapon that is already level 4 to the fabled level 5 but require something very secret to do so, from a garden and a cave and someones sister.

    Apparently there is a pub with a free bar in Mezzaloop to anyone who brings them a gate key.

    Good luck on your journey!!
    Last edited by mmoc6ac2e31c48; 2015-12-30 at 12:04 PM.

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