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  1. #21
    Banned docterfreeze's Avatar
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    My pool changed a bit, put my new picks in the OP.

  2. #22
    - Garen
    - Graves
    - Nasus
    - Poppy

    - Tryndamere
    - Vayne
    - Zyra

    - Orianna
    - Ziggs
    - Zyra

    - Graves
    - Lucian

    - Nautilus
    - Soraka

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Still Rampant Rabbit View Post

    - Zyra
    What!? I play zyra support works nicely obv, and tried her mid lane which didn't go well. But jungle how does that work?

    My choices (keep in mind I only started late in the summer and I don't do ranked)

    Top: (I've actually never played top)





    Sivir (I've done this twice with friends, it needs 2 mobs assistant on start, with early and regular backs until 6 ish. Its not fantastic for farming regularly, until 10 ish. From 6 onwards the ganks are hilarious if you time it right with full hp. Also makes it easier to chase ganks that go wrong with her ult)
    Skarner - s'long as you keep on top of that crystal, its all good


    Kog maw (You don't fuck with the maw)


    Vel'koz (I advise this with a adc friend - I do it with my friends and I just out scale him and normally end up 3-5 /0/0 before he gets a kill, as you can imagine a pug ADC gets royally fucked off)

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Rotted View Post
    What!? I play zyra support works nicely obv, and tried her mid lane which didn't go well. But jungle how does that work?
    It works perfectly fine for me. Her plants help you survive the jungle as a squishy APC. Her snare, and burst combined with seeds make for an effective lane gank whether it be force Flash or get a kill.

    Also, APC now get an equivalent of Luden's Echo, which means you can prioritize other items after finishing your jungle item.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Still Rampant Rabbit View Post
    It works perfectly fine for me. Her plants help you survive the jungle as a squishy APC. Her snare, and burst combined with seeds make for an effective lane gank whether it be force Flash or get a kill.

    Also, APC now get an equivalent of Luden's Echo, which means you can prioritize other items after finishing your jungle item.
    I thought luden echo was the ap equal of static shiv?

    But yes just read a few how to clear jungle guides will be trying, I knew her plants could aggro mobs but I never thought it would be be viable

  6. #26
    TOP: Garen, Malphite, Poppy
    JUNGLE: Malphite, Nautilus, Rammus
    MID: Veigar, Lux, Ahri
    ADC: Jinx, Lucian, Ezreal
    SUPPORT: Leona, Braum, Morgana

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Rotted View Post
    I thought luden echo was the ap equal of static shiv?

    But yes just read a few how to clear jungle guides will be trying, I knew her plants could aggro mobs but I never thought it would be be viable
    It is, and I core it on nearly all of my AP champs. It makes for some really good extra burst on a champion thats most likely combo based.

  8. #28
    Banned docterfreeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Still Rampant Rabbit View Post
    It works perfectly fine for me. Her plants help you survive the jungle as a squishy APC. Her snare, and burst combined with seeds make for an effective lane gank whether it be force Flash or get a kill.

    Also, APC now get an equivalent of Luden's Echo, which means you can prioritize other items after finishing your jungle item.
    What if you miss E? Can you gank before level 6? Seems silly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasierith View Post
    Support: pantheon

  9. #29
    Mechagnome Ragu4's Avatar
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    My champion pool:
    Top: Garen
    Jungle: Warwick
    That's all you need in silver and regs bby...except my regs MMR is apparently high, so it's getting hard to play top garen. May actually start playing ranked to play easy games again.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasierith View Post
    Support: pantheon

    Uhm, what?

  11. #31
    Returning after a 2 season hiatus, so I got placed in bronze >.< Currently trying to carry my way from bronze with the following champs
    Top: Tahm, Jarvan IV, Mundo, Vladimir
    Jungle: Yi, Shyvana
    Mid: (don't play it): Annie
    Support: Soraka, Shen, Alistar
    ADC: (Main) Cait, Lucian, Tristana, Ezreal

    Key: Bold means generally banned.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by docterfreeze View Post
    What if you miss E? Can you gank before level 6? Seems silly.
    I don't understand what you're trying to say. This goes for nearly any champion with a root/snare/engage.

  13. #33
    My main is top and mid, so:

    Vlad --> A solid, strong top laner. With the mastery of deathfire touch the poke is always up and strong.
    Malphite --> A team fight winning top laner. And i think it's one of the strongest champ with tp.
    Yorick --> Since Darius is a popular champ to play at top, it makes sense to pick him against champions like Darius.


    Vlad --> Can counter many ap and ad champions. Even the ones with epic nuke like LB and Veigar. LB can bully Vladimir early and even get easy kills but still after you build pure hp and some spell vamp, you are an unstoppable force.
    Veigar --> He is one of the strongest late game champion if played safe during early game. Has the potantial to one shot people with his ult even tho enemy has magic ressist.
    Kayle --> Number 1 counter of Yasuo and Zed. As far as i have seen in new season, Zed and Yasuo are very common champs among gold and plat players. So i think Kayle is the best choice agaisnt those. Yauso's shield wall cant stop kayle's auto attacks once the ''e'' is active and her ult is great to counter Zed's ulti combo.

  14. #34
    Just focusing on the lanes I know this season. I have a poor win rate bot lane, I think my issue is that I'm not used to playing duo with another player, so its a detriment to be there.

    Top - Will only go top if Im bored of my 2 main rolls. Very rare.
    Tahm (Currently pointless as is banned in 100% of the games I've played. Litteraly)

    Azir - Stupid damage, and superb against engage comps thanks to his "R".
    Brand - Fantastic against the tank meta thanks too his passive. Great team fighter.
    Katarina - Only for a laugh if Im last pick and the enemy team has little or no CC or Silences. Pretty much a guaranteed win if thats the case.

    Wukong - Currently absolutely stomping with Wu. Great ganks, underrated assassin ability and team fight changing ult.
    Hecarim - Can fill a number of rolls. Good fun.
    Malphite - Only if the situation allows me to build AP. Most potent ganks in the game bar none if built AP. Stupidly good fun too, try it.

    Bare in mind** - I am in silver Elo, with a target of reaching Gold. I am by no means the best player and I know that the success im having with some of the "off meta" picks will drop sharply the higher I climb.

    Currently doing very well. Played 16 games and lost 1. At only 16 games played that could just be down to luck.

    Lolking me if you care enough. Same name. Cephelapoid

  15. #35
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    I should actually add Kayle to my list this season - she's having a good time with new Guinsoo - and she's exactly the sort of toon I tend to do well with: a combination of poke / sustain / movement / utility - like Nidalee and Elise.

    Elise is probably still my goto AP jungler this season, but I'll really need to pick up an AD champion (likely Vi, maybe Shaco) given the nature of AP junglers right now being kind of shit.

    I honestly can't get a good feel for what's strong this season - everything changed so much and the meta hasn't settled much yet, or at least I don't have a grasp on it yet. Haven't even done my promotionals because I'm not sure what works anymore.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  16. #36
    Top: Malphite, Hecarim, Illaoi
    Jungle: Yi, Hecarim, might abuse Udyr till he's nerfed
    Mid: who cares
    AD: who cares
    Support: who cares

  17. #37
    God all these people saying Malz mid are going to be in for a rude awakening if they are playing solo/duo queue. Most players how no clue how strong he is and typically leave you out to dry while you ult in a 2v2 situation. Better yet they also don't know how good his siege and anti siege is and once again leave you to get killed and claim you overstayed. Q takes 60-70% of multiple players hp and silences them? meh time for your team to run away anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rotted View Post
    I thought luden echo was the ap equal of static shiv?

    But yes just read a few how to clear jungle guides will be trying, I knew her plants could aggro mobs but I never thought it would be be viable
    Ludens is pretty bad early for 90% of the AP champs and now jungle ap are almost forced into it. Runeglaive was SOOOOOOOO much better. As Malz jungle AP(ad is trash don't listen to people AD is for Dominion when playing Malz) I can solo drag without taking a single point of damage once I had runeglaive. Now the new item isn't quite as potent in terms of clearing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Still Rampant Rabbit View Post
    It is, and I core it on nearly all of my AP champs. It makes for some really good extra burst on a champion thats most likely combo based.
    It really doesn't and it's been proven. Rabadon's gave more damage than ludens on all but like 3 or 4 ap champs. Kat and Nid can get away with building it early due to their playstyle(and that Kat doesn't use mana). Lissandra was an oddball and some sort of interaction with her E made it more damaging. Otherwise, Ludens is situational on other AP champs or a 4th to final item. It's hilarious when I play Aram and all these people rush a Ludens and I don't build one and out damage them by a lot.

  18. #38
    Mid: Talon Zed
    Top: Shen Wukong Garen
    Adc: Miss Fortune Sivir
    Sup: Blitzcrank Alistar Taric
    Jung: Sejuani

    I'm only playing Talon, Shen, Wukong nowadays.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Antenora View Post
    Uhm, what?
    Its basically a hyper kill lane,
    Consider it a much more aggressive Taric pick.
    Q = substitute his heal for the poke of Panth's spear, its actually not bad harass at all.
    They both have a Targeted stun, but Pantheons is also a gap closer
    Pantheons E is more damage then Tarics W but gives no armor shred + it doesn't help your ally when its off cooldown, so yeah again you have to be more agressive then taric
    R = Giant AoE with a long windup vs small AoE with no windup but a stat pumpup.
    And of course Pantheon's Passive helps more in early trades then Taric's giving him more early all in presence, however as all pantheons do they fall off late game (esp a panth with a low budget) so end the game quickly.

  20. #40
    Well since only 2 roles matter Ill just give the champs I play in ranked in those roles





    So far Ive gotten to Plat with it (granted ive been plat the last 2 seasons so not a huge accomplishment) really loving Vlad tho. Most people dont know how to deal with him and can take over games hard if they get far enough along. Evelynn has been my main since forever, shes not in a good spot right now, shes sort of average but when you know her as well as I do its still a great option. Sejuani is amazing for tankless teams that want teamfight potential (I prefer her to Amumu but thats just me). Xerath and Brand are when I feel Vlad is hard countered and more range is a better option for lane/team.
    Last edited by Jibjabb; 2016-03-06 at 11:44 PM.

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