Hello, and welcome to Avarice!

We are a once a week raiding guild looking to reform our team moving into legion.
We raid on Wednesday 19:00-23:00 server time
Currently recruiting all classes and roles

We are a longstanding guild that has existed on a variety of different servers since our creation in 2010. Historically, we have been primarily made up of a group of gaming friends that have played with each other since Classic WoW and are constantly picking up new members along the way.

We are now looking to recreate our raiding team on Kazzak, following an extended break. We are looking to reform our raiding team to finish out the remainder of the WoD content and prepare for the launch of Legion. We are going to be starting on normal to boost up the under geared members, before moving on to heroic in the near future.

We have two main priorities in this guild
1) To complete all content whilst it remains relevant
2) To have a good time whilst doing step 1

What We Offer:
• Good progression at limited time commitment
• Experienced guild leading team
• An enjoyable but serious raiding environment

Individual Requirements:

• A good attitude towards raiding - no giving up, whining, leaving, afking etc.
• Extensive knowledge of your class and the game in general i.e. knowing when to change to a specific talent or glyph where appropriate.
• Basic social skills. Be patient, have decent banter. Basically don't be a prick.
• The ability to communicate. We use TS3.
• Some past raid experience to prove you know what you're doing (previous expansions, other respectable MMOs)
• You must be a team player.

Raid Times:

Wednesday 19:00-23:00 server time

Due to the fact that we raid only once a week, we expect our raiders to bring a good attitude and focus as well as having close to 100% attendance, we do however realise that this is a game and understand that everybody has real life commitments.

Guild Setup and Loot Distribution:

We currently use a loot council system, we have a team of 4 officers who pass unbiased judgement on loot. Our stance on loot is that it is a means to an end. Loot is a tool that allows us to progress further in raids. As a result of this stance we will give loot where it has the greatest marginal benefit to the raid team as a whole.

If interested please contact me on my BattleTag Thorgran#2843 or Don#2636 for more information.