Paul Hodges argues fairly well that the economies of the world will have to begin slowing down. Current politicians are a bit detached from reality and like to imagine they still live in the age of economic expansion and growth, but with demographics being slowed and grayed and consumer demand dropping as a consequence no amount of stimulus, quantitative easing or other Dark Sorcery of the financial sector can generate demand. To put it simply, demand just isn't there for continued expansion.

Written form article on same subject by same author

Essentially the economies will continue to remain anemic or crumble in more ways. Over all commodity prices will continue to collapse and China is intentionally trying to unwind their economy. He puts forward that GDP is unimportant and should be ignored and that politicians should accept that people, particularly older people are going to have to take a hit since we can't continue to pretend we live in the same economic reality.

I maintain though different approach than Hodges in that I more firmly believe Growth is over as a mantra we can realistically pursue and that to many businesses and parasites.... I mean bankers and financial services people as well as political allies are pretending the major economies are full of young people when they aren't.