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  1. #1

    Hextech Crafting and Loot, share your thoughts!

    So, what do you guys think of the whole Hextech Crafting thing? I really love the idea and think it is an awesome way to help players who thought they'd never be able to get a skin in their life, a chance at some for free if they play well. And is also an awesome way to get us motivated to play more and play better in games to get the "S rank" to get the free box.

    However! I have gotten around 11 boxes and keys already, and I have not yet received anything crazy awesome that is worth keeping.
    How about you guys? Have you received anything awesome that you didnt want to just disenchant? I've disenchanted everything I have opened so far.
    So far I've gotten like 7 champions that I ALREADY OWN and have owned for years not really sure why they would even give that?
    And the other boxes were just normal skins I wouldn't even use since I have the better skins for that champ.

    Would love to hear your thoughts and prizes you got on the hextech crafting thing!


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeupOnFLEEK View Post
    So, what do you guys think of the whole Hextech Crafting thing? I really love the idea and think it is an awesome way to help players who thought they'd never be able to get a skin in their life, a chance at some for free if they play well. And is also an awesome way to get us motivated to play more and play better in games to get the "S rank" to get the free box.

    However! I have gotten around 11 boxes and keys already, and I have not yet received anything crazy awesome that is worth keeping.
    How about you guys? Have you received anything awesome that you didnt want to just disenchant? I've disenchanted everything I have opened so far.
    So far I've gotten like 7 champions that I ALREADY OWN and have owned for years not really sure why they would even give that?
    And the other boxes were just normal skins I wouldn't even use since I have the better skins for that champ.

    Would love to hear your thoughts and prizes you got on the hextech crafting thing!

    You can rerole 3 of any hero into a hero you don't own, same with skins.

    It's ok, I have four chests and never get any keys.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jakeic View Post
    You can rerole 3 of any hero into a hero you don't own, same with skins.

    It's ok, I have four chests and never get any keys.
    yes i've tried the rerolling, and I am trying to figure out if it is even worth rerolling or disenchanting?
    the weird thing is when i rerolled the three champs, i got gragas...which i've owned for at least a couple years now. I own all but 3 champs, maybe that's a reason why? not sure lol

    i know how you feel though, i have 3 chests waiting to be opened and 1 key frag ha

  4. #4
    What I dislike is that they are separate essences for champions and skins. If they would just make essence the same regardless of what you disenchant I would have far less of a problem with it. Makes it very difficult to actually unlock the skins if the only things you dont want are champions

    Anyway as for loot Ive gotten some pretty cool stuff:
    Traditional Sejuani (is never available for purchase so pretty rare)
    Omega Squad Teemo (Legendary)
    Snowmerdinger (Legacy)
    Pentakill Olaf
    Zed (Dont own)
    2 Ward Skins

    And a few champs I do own that I disenchanted to hopefully be able to unlock Zed soon. Would rather work towards unlocking more skins but cant

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jibjabb View Post
    What I dislike is that they are separate essences for champions and skins. If they would just make essence the same regardless of what you disenchant I would have far less of a problem with it. Makes it very difficult to actually unlock the skins if the only things you dont want are champions

    Anyway as for loot Ive gotten some pretty cool stuff:
    Traditional Sejuani (is never available for purchase so pretty rare)
    Omega Squad Teemo (Legendary)
    Snowmerdinger (Legacy)
    Pentakill Olaf
    Zed (Dont own)
    2 Ward Skins

    And a few champs I do own that I disenchanted to hopefully be able to unlock Zed soon. Would rather work towards unlocking more skins but cant
    UGH i know right! I actually was noob with hextech crafting so i disenchanted a champion thinking it would give me more essences to unlock the skins..but nope lol. I highly dislike that too because some of us dont need or want anymore champions since we own almost all of them.

    WOW! Your loot has been extravagant! You got some super awesome skins! Grats to you
    I got the worst skins lmao...last night i opened mine and it was Explorer Ezreal i just disenchanted it. The other times I got freljord Ashe, imperial Lux, pharoah nidalee, black belt udyr, and some more terrible ones lol. I surely disenchanted every single one of those. It was almost like i unlocked all the ugly unwanted skins no1 would even pay for haha xD

    ugh wish we could choose to have it only unlock skins for us

  6. #6
    I think it's an OK system. I much prefer it now you can get keys from ARAM since that's mostly what I play late at night, and ranked during the day when the babyragers are gone. - I digress.

    Unfortunately the RNG does seem a little skewed. I buy a lot of boxes (Don't judge me) and I now have ~100 Champion Shards (Despite owning every champion). I think I've gotten a total of 60-80 Skin Shards with 10 or so Ward Skin Shards (Insta disenchant. Riggle Ward Skin for life) and 15 Summoner Portraits (Not even exaggerating), and that doesn't include portraits from Ultimate skins.

    I've also gotten Gragas Caskbreaker shards about 8 times now. It's the one shard I keep seeing pop up and I keep disenchanting because Gragas Esq. is way better. Pls rito.

    However I've gotten some pretty good stuff.
    Rerolled some shards on the first day and ended up with DJ Sona, got Frozen Shen too at one stage, and Riot Graves. So they all make me super happy.
    Then yesterday I got Pulsefire Ezreal shard, insta-upgraded while it was still the Draven Day thing and got Underworld Wukong as the bonus skin.
    Still got a Dragonblade Riven shard waiting too. Not too sure about activating it though since I can't play Riven to save my ass.

    TL;DR - It's good. RNG could be a bit more balanced towards skins than champions for people who own them all. RNG is not Random. Got good loot anyways though because I'm incapable of not spending money.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Indeed. Considering I've been playing for years now, I simply have every champion and over 100 000 IP just lying around. Got every possible rune I would want, runepages etc. And I own most skins I actually like so ... But it's funny to get a skin I wouldn't spend money on, or a funny ward skin or something.

    I got the Corki skin that isn't availiable anymore, so that's always funny.

  9. #9
    I've received so far from Hextech Crafting.

    This list is a mix of items from chests earned from games and chest bundles purchased with RP.

    I'm a sucker for these Hextech Bundles. I've spent a ton of money on them.

    Skins -

    SSW Thresh
    Championship Kalista
    Championship Shyvana
    Veigar Greybeard
    SKT T1 Vayne
    Surprise Party Amumu
    Sun Goddess Karma
    Spectral Fiddlesticks
    High Command Katarina
    Earnest Elf Tristana
    Firefighter Tristana
    TPA Ezreal
    TPA Mundo
    Prom Queen Annie
    Chosen Master Yi
    Master Chef Tahm Kench
    Project: Leona
    Secret Agent Xin Zhao
    Obsidian Malphite
    Leopard Nidalee
    Final Boss Veigar
    Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    Mr. Mundoverse
    Underworld Twisted Fate
    Ravager Nocturne
    Safari Caitlyn
    Kitty Cat Katarina

    I have a skin shard for Archduke Nasus too but I need to farm the IP to buy Nasus before I can unlock.

    I only need Championship Riven and I have all the Championship skins.
    Last edited by mmoc9bef67a441; 2016-04-24 at 12:59 AM.

  10. #10
    It takes some time to get into it if you don't play so much, because it takes a while to collect the keys, but it's pretty nice to get a free skin or champion from time to time.

  11. #11
    As I understand it, the keys are normalised to an extent. You should get the same amount per month as everyone else, no matter how many games you win on average in that time frame.

    Free stuff is always nice, but if theres something I really want I just buy it without the RNG hassle attached. I suppose the only real benefit for someone like me is getting hold of skins that are no longer available or skins that I like, but that I wouldn't buy myself.

  12. #12
    I've had Omega Squad Teemo and Battle Bunny Riven as the only things I've used essence for, only had 1 champion shard which I think is for Jarvan IV but not got enough blues to activate it. Rest of the skin shards I've received haven't interested me so have been disenchanted to wait for something I do want, tried rerolling 3 of them and got something equally appealing so disenchant is the way to go for me.
    I was sitting on 5 chests and no keys at one point but since the URF weekend key fragments have been dropping pretty regularly for me and now waiting for my next chest drop.
    I like the system as it's better than the nothing that was in place before

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Antenora View Post
    I've received so far from Hextech Crafting.

    This list is a mix of items from chests earned from games and chest bundles purchased with RP.

    I'm a sucker for these Hextech Bundles. I've spent a ton of money on them.

    Skins -

    SSW Thresh
    Championship Kalista
    Championship Shyvana
    Veigar Greybeard
    SKT T1 Vayne
    Surprise Party Amumu
    Sun Goddess Karma
    Spectral Fiddlesticks
    High Command Katarina
    Earnest Elf Tristana
    Firefighter Tristana
    TPA Ezreal
    TPA Mundo
    Prom Queen Annie
    Chosen Master Yi
    Master Chef Tahm Kench
    Project: Leona
    Secret Agent Xin Zhao
    Obsidian Malphite
    Leopard Nidalee
    Final Boss Veigar
    Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    Mr. Mundoverse
    Underworld Twisted Fate
    Ravager Nocturne
    Safari Caitlyn
    Kitty Cat Katarina

    I have a skin shard for Archduke Nasus too but I need to farm the IP to buy Nasus before I can unlock.

    I only need Championship Riven and I have all the Championship skins.
    Goodness, you got some awesomeeeeeeee skins!!!! so far I got the star guardian lux skin from a box i just opened last night, was nice to finally not get something so gross looking haha! I hope I get as many awesome ones you got

    - - - Updated - - -

    One thing that is annoying, when you run out of essence but have a few skins waiting to use the essence on to unlock -_- i wish we could just buy the essence to get it over with lol

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeupOnFLEEK View Post
    Goodness, you got some awesomeeeeeeee skins!!!! so far I got the star guardian lux skin from a box i just opened last night, was nice to finally not get something so gross looking haha! I hope I get as many awesome ones you got

    - - - Updated - - -

    One thing that is annoying, when you run out of essence but have a few skins waiting to use the essence on to unlock -_- i wish we could just buy the essence to get it over with lol
    Yeah totally.

    But I spent RP on boxes as well as earned them.

  15. #15
    Hextech Crafting is quite a good implementation and I think Riot will make a lot of money from it. More free stuff for us though, can't complain.

  16. #16
    Hextech crafting is great I got Spirit Guard Udyr and PulseFire Ezreal. I got all the ultimate skins because of it now XD!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaudam View Post
    Hextech crafting is great I got Spirit Guard Udyr and PulseFire Ezreal. I got all the ultimate skins because of it now XD!
    Nice!!! grate on those two awesome skins i just got a forecast janna skin, but don't have enough essence to get it

    - - - Updated - - -

    does anyone know if I reroll my forecast janna skin (the 1820 RP) one with 2 normal priced skins -- would I get another legendary/ 1820 RP cost skin?
    hope that makes sense lol

  18. #18
    i got Dunkmaster Darius from first chest, and after that, i always got a champ ( i have all champ btw)...

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Onvious View Post
    i got Dunkmaster Darius from first chest, and after that, i always got a champ ( i have all champ btw)...
    Nice! I want that skin I just got the star guardian lux skin which is awesome since I had the uglier sorceress lux

    Ugh I have all champs too, and I put 20 dollars into buying some hextech chests and keys...and the only skin I got out of that was the star guardian lux and the rest were champs lol wish it wouldn't give us champions if we own them

  20. #20
    1 thing i was wondering;
    Can i only get 1 box per champion at S rank?
    Or how does this work?

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