1. #1

    Regarding professions

    Hey Folks,

    i'm starting to get my warrior ready for Legion but i'm still being unable to decide what profession i should go for.

    At the moment, i'm Jewelcrafter/Blacksmith but after being on Beta, i feel i will not have much time to level up a farmer to get some Ore so i might need to reroll one of the 2.

    Blacksmith is only giving 850 item level gear while getting 640 loots feels like it will be quite easy before entering into the first Tier.

    I'm wondering, what professions are you guys going to play with at the release and why ?

  2. #2
    I got bs and mining to 700 which was quite easy through the garrison and I'll probably stick to them. Looks like gathering professions are a thing again, so I expect to make some gold and a few entry level raid items like you said. Idk if it pays off having two main professions since mats might be more expensive in legion, but the profit of being jc will probably make up for it in the long run. Considering short term, you might have difficulties leveling it tho

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