1. #1

    Question Favored Adjustment


    Either I am becoming crazy, or something with the [Favored Adjustment] seems off. (Or both.)

    In the last week, every single game had a [FA] on one side, or at least those which weren't promotion/demotion matches. Nothing major, typically 3-10 points. What strikes me really strange, that every single game, the "favored" team won.

    Which is not strange in itself, but at so low point difference, the advantage should be that high, few percents maybe. So after 30-or-so games this is a bit odd. Also the MMR difference on HOTSlogs tells me a completely different story, though that might be due to many things. Like my last match my team was "favored", but was ~130 MMR lower? Tho the enemy picked Medvih, so maybe it calculated that in too? :P

    On the other side, this system irks me really badly.
    That ~5 points difference doesn't matters at all, but when I had a 7 game loosing-streak, and according to Blizzard for those 7 games the enemy was more likely to win... I just don't really want to know that.

    Also currently it feels like, it just calls the winning team "favored" for the laughs. -.-

    - Sha

  2. #2
    No you are 100% right which ever team wins is considered the "favoured team" even if they weren't. I had a game not too long ago where i was Plat 1, with a few diamonds and 1 grand master where as the other team had All diamonds but 2 which we're Grand masters when we won we were apparently the "favoured team".

    Its beyond a joke either do it correctly as you stated if the enemy team is truly favoured give us more points and visa versa if we're more favoured to win give us less points.

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