1. #1

    What the f*** am I doing wrong?

    So. I was heading from Silver 4 almost to Silver 2. Went 11 games winning spree solo, 99 LP s3, and the usual thing happened.

    Now I have lost 14 ranked games in a row. Most of the games I was doing okay at least. Mostly jungle and adc, a few games of mid. I played champions that I was comfortable with, and the champions, that I at least knew what am I doing with. I just heard blames almost every game, that I was the reason we lost, while my teams decision making sucked hard, and they died mostly alone, leading to the inevitable defeats.

    Is this normal (I'm most certain it ain't)? I'm now back in Silver 4, 0 LP. What can I do to get back into the tracks?

    And btw, I was Gold 3 S4 and Gold 5 S5.

  2. #2
    That is absolutely normal for the League community. What you're doing wrong is playing League.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by user12893 View Post
    Might I suggest a full frontal lobotomy?
    Hi, it's enough that I play such games.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AwkwardSquirtle View Post
    That is absolutely normal for the League community. What you're doing wrong is playing League.
    Just wanted to head for the Gold. Nothing else.

    Enough of the ignorant posts, thanks.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by user12893 View Post
    You are probably some 1800 rated retard in WoW or some LFR hero mop baby. Fuck off
    Interesting assessment. You're right about me being a MoP baby funnily enough, wrong on the LFR part though, got HC Archi down, never got into PvP. I'm not a great player, but better than you imply.

    My point was simply that this sort of "team" play is exactly my experience of League of Legends, constantly being blamed for the team's failure by others who are playing at least as badly if not worse. It's the main reason I gave up on the game.

  5. #5
    Well for starters it is expecting random players to work as a team

  6. #6

    Playing League to begin with, hah!

  7. #7
    One semi-decent answer, and rest of you reading this forum just for punting other people. Lmao.

  8. #8
    It's a regular occurance for me aswell. Get to promo's to plat II. Proceed to lose both games horribly which is w/e shit happens. But then I fall back down to plat 5 with a horrible losing spree. Currently sitting at 17 LP in Plat IV. Best thing is. I queu alot with 3 other people and even then the one random person is a horrible douchebag and makes the game impossibly hard to win. It's mindboggeling how i can get a steady 75% win rate when I decided to climb the ladder again (After a month break). And then get such horrible games.

  9. #9
    Back to track guys, don't just come here to the league forum to insult LoL.

    On topic: Maybe you just went on tilt OP? try taking a break from the game or play some other game mode like ARAM or the featured modes.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Midory View Post
    It's a regular occurance for me aswell. Get to promo's to plat II. Proceed to lose both games horribly which is w/e shit happens. But then I fall back down to plat 5 with a horrible losing spree. Currently sitting at 17 LP in Plat IV. Best thing is. I queu alot with 3 other people and even then the one random person is a horrible douchebag and makes the game impossibly hard to win. It's mindboggeling how i can get a steady 75% win rate when I decided to climb the ladder again (After a month break). And then get such horrible games.
    I know I'm not the only one. But playing mid-decently over 80% of my games, while my so far win percentage is 38% in ranked, is frustrating.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by 4KhazModan View Post
    Back to track guys, don't just come here to the league forum to insult LoL.

    On topic: Maybe you just went on tilt OP? try taking a break from the game or play some other game mode like ARAM or the featured modes.
    Might be a tilt, which I do not notice myself. Might have something to do with setups as well. I have a decent gaming laptop, performance is not the issue. Lasthitting is one hell of a problem sometimes, especially as an ADC, when Support doesn't look like he gives any sh*t. :/

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Veivi View Post
    So. I was heading from Silver 4 almost to Silver 2. Went 11 games winning spree solo, 99 LP s3, and the usual thing happened.

    Now I have lost 14 ranked games in a row. Most of the games I was doing okay at least. Mostly jungle and adc, a few games of mid. I played champions that I was comfortable with, and the champions, that I at least knew what am I doing with. I just heard blames almost every game, that I was the reason we lost, while my teams decision making sucked hard, and they died mostly alone, leading to the inevitable defeats.

    Is this normal (I'm most certain it ain't)? I'm now back in Silver 4, 0 LP. What can I do to get back into the tracks?

    And btw, I was Gold 3 S4 and Gold 5 S5.
    Its probably your win rate.

    Hidden algorithms determining your game is all about, you need to be kept "Balanced" aka 50%, if you start winning a lot you will be placed with people to lose, or carry them to make sure your numbers stay "Balanced".

    In other words if you win 10 games in a row, they will try to make you lose 10 games in a row.

    It doesnt really matter what you play, you will see this more at your non-ranked games and how it works, ranked probably works a bit differently but its easy to check in non-ranked games.

    A few games of people with a clue, they listen, proper items bla bla, suddenly a few games where you think you are playing with 3 years old that dont know basics, cause you simply need to lose.

    Rough example cause of course we dont know how it works..

    "We have determined your skill level is around 65/100 and you need to remain around there"

    "We are placing you around there, you are winning, your skill level statistically is still 65/100 but your MMR indicates 70/100, you need to be fixed"

    "We are placing you with people that are 65/100 at the moment but need to be lowered cause they arent that good according to our statistics."

    Which then its logical to lose.

    The above can easily be seen in non-ranked games,and it can be abused in Ranked by simply having 51-55% win rate and playing a lot.

    No matter how many games you lose or win, as long as your winrate is that high, it will require XXXX of games (Thousands) usually to force your way out of it.
    Last edited by potis; 2016-07-03 at 03:58 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by potis View Post
    Its probably your win rate.
    It should be. But I haven't been once above 45% win rate this season. Right now a little under 40%. :/

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh well, starting to play more passive lanes since I am kind of passive and safe player (that might be one "issue", since many of the low silver head on to their deaths so much).

  13. #13
    A link to your summoner profile (or even just your region you play in and you summoner name then we can work it out from there) would really help us for insight.

    as a silver "scrub myself" I know where my downfall is, its my early and mid game CS that lets me down, but it took many watching of my own replies to figure out what I was doing wrong and why, before that I had it in my head (based pretty much on my KDA etc) that I was fine and my team was letting me down etc etc.
    It wasn't till I really took a good look at myself and I realised I was on average a BF sword / needlessly large rod behind in stats by the 25 min mark that I was as big of an issue as my teammates.

  14. #14
    Kind of impossible to say without actually watching but a huge occurrence with people in that elo and losing is that they either take their foot of their gas when they get ahead allowing teams to get back into it by being careless and cocky, or they play for personal scores without considering what they are doing and how it can impact the teams chances of winning. Theres going to be times where ya you might miss out on that solo kill or all that farm, but your presence with your team would have won the game.

    Every game as you play say, why did this go wrong? what could I have done to fix it? focus on yourself and your play improves, dont flame and say well this person cost us the game even if they did. Since maybe, just maybe if you were even better you still could have overcame it.

  15. #15
    If you're losing a few games in a row then put the game down for a while. You're tilting and it will just get worse. Wait a few days, play a couple of normals to see if you have your mojo back, then try again.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by rykon1459918 View Post
    A link to your summoner profile (or even just your region you play in and you summoner name then we can work it out from there) would really help us for insight.

    as a silver "scrub myself" I know where my downfall is, its my early and mid game CS that lets me down, but it took many watching of my own replies to figure out what I was doing wrong and why, before that I had it in my head (based pretty much on my KDA etc) that I was fine and my team was letting me down etc etc.
    It wasn't till I really took a good look at myself and I realised I was on average a BF sword / needlessly large rod behind in stats by the 25 min mark that I was as big of an issue as my teammates.
    Ishimada, EUW.

    And as a quick update, found Vi again and decided to give her a go for some games, as she ain't that hard to play. Without completely bad teams, I was able to carry hard 3 first games.

    Played 3 more, and had the most salty, flaming, feeding and trolling teams I've ever had. Feels like 3 wins are enough to go against this one-trick Draven with 15 kills in under 20 minutes, and get duos like Ekko-Ryze at mid-top, who die 8 and 6 times at laning phase. :/

    tldr: 33 wins, 52 losses.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'll just give up. The game makes me so sad. Heroes of the Storm might get a chance, and to be honest, I'm better at it, ranked at Plat 1.
    Last edited by Ishimada; 2016-07-05 at 01:42 PM.

  17. #17
    Record your games, analyze your picks ; Train yourself to play a hero that can carry alone. Lower tiers of MMR is toxic/ultimately incredibly shit at teamwork.

  18. #18
    so without replays it will be hard to be 100% here with my suggestion.

    OK so first up lets talk the good points:

    in most games you have a decently high KDA (kill to detah to assist ratio) most games I would strive for at least a 3.5 to 4.0 kda (3.5 to 4.0 kills and assist for every death)

    Your pink warding numbers seem ok to good (some games even great numbers), the more pinks the better vision, but again are they being placed in optimal positions, without replies its hard to call.

    Masteries and Runes seem fine, no real stand out mistakes here (but then again its hard to really understand what a mistake is and isn't these days)

    An issue outside of your control (kinda):
    You tanked your MMR hard, from mid range gold to low range silver, your estimated MMR is extremely low compared to where you are even now (its about bronze 1 - 2 level) meaning you will not get as many points for a win and losses will make you lose more points then average, the only solution is to win games and prove to the system you belong there, maybe out of your next 20 games you need to win 15-16 to equalise your MMR

    The Bad points: (again only estimating here)
    Lets take for instance your last jungle game you won on Vi 2 days ago.
    in 47 minutes you managed to farm only 103 jungle creeps and + 68 lane minions.
    while this is ok levels for a low silver to high bronze jungle player who is head this isn't great for someone who was a gold 3 - gold 4 player before, you really need to focus on this, get a successful gank, help the laner push to tower if they want to go back, see a open lane after your ally died / went back, you can always farm / hold the lane, I understand vi is a ganking jungler and you did participate in 66% of the total kills (which is good) but you need to understand how this affects your ability to carry and do damage.
    The enemy Nocturne who was behind, but had almost the same participation in kills (57%) and managed to out-farm you by 11 CS, it doesn't sound like much but looking at his stats etc he belows in silver 4 and you were only just slightly outing him in stats.
    Nocturne also bought 10 pinks to your 4, not much to note as I don't know how often your pinks were destroyed to his.
    (Again I'd like to point out the above is without seeing the reply)

    Lane farming outside of ADC doesn't seem to be your strong point either, I consider myself a poor farmer (usually getting out-farmed by my enemies by a little bit) but in silver 1 I am farming on average in the range 1.7 to 2.3 CS per minute (call it 2 CS per min for easy maths although its not exactly 100% accurate it will give a rough picture) more then you (again this is in the games where you have played lanes), that equal about 60 cs by the 30 minute mark on average someone in silver 1 -2 is ahead of you, take that in gold value that puts me roughly 1273.8 gold in front of you (excluding kills etc) or for a item sake I have a BF sword / Needlessly large rod over you in terms of gold value.
    Again your levels are fine for silver 4 / 5 but the reason you aren't crushing your team enemy more then you are (again relating back to the much higher then average KDA on some champions) is simply you have less or equal gold to your opponents (as your getting gold form killing them but then not pressing your advantage and taking a CS lead as well) so you aren't really getting a huge power spike over what they have.

    TLR: your warding and KDA is good / great for where you are but your CS and ability to press advantages seems to be what is letting you down and is honestly below where you should be a a previous gold 3 - gold 4 player.

    (I highly suggest you read my rant bad grammer and all, sorry I'm trying to be quick typing at work)

    On another note you can save replays fairly easily using op.gg (once your in game click the record this game button) it then allows people to watch your games without the need for something like baron replays or lol-replay installed.

    EDIT: I realised that this may sound like I'm having a go at you, please note I am not only trying to help.
    I am much better at advice then I am at actually playing this game (getting old now hand speed and reactions in general are a lot slower then they use to be) but I was serious about replays (even the op.gg ones) they would be a massive start in the road to recovery.
    Last edited by rykon1459918; 2016-07-07 at 03:32 AM. Reason: Clearing up a bit

  19. #19
    Field Marshal Kohz's Avatar
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    You should always take a break if you lose 3 games in a row. If you notice any toxicity, mute them ASAP.

    I main ADC/Supp and I have smurfs that are in Gold/Silver elo. My best advice for you is try not to play ADC in low Silver / Mid Silver and concentrate on a solo lane or play a carry jungle. It's just much easier to carry as a solo laner than an ADC since your level will be significantly higher since you don't share XP with your support and you can easily control the game by playing mid or top anyway.

    Always have a mentality of what you could've done better to win the game instead of blaming your teammates for losing. I mean yes, there will be occasional trolls on your team but I'm talking about most cases.

  20. #20
    You play wrong game

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