1. #1

    A Report on the Former Yugoslavia: How America Could Descend Into Civil War

    This may be inappropriate but with 4 officers dead and mounting racial tensions this is quite topical, though somewhat long


  2. #2
    Yeahh.... no.
    And what is with the source?

  3. #3
    I miss Tito.

    "This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can."

    -- Capt. Copeland

  4. #4
    "While the right-wing media regularly includes warnings that Obama has ushered in politico-economic trends that bode ill for America’s future, their counterparts on the Left are beginning to admit their doubts about our whole enterprise"

    Dafuq is this blogger smoking!?

    Spesking of, can we get a link to what you were talking about, not some doinks blog opinion on what this thread was to be about?

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