1. #1

    Best World PvP Classes in Legion?

    With the release of World Quests and the like (and the removal of Garrisons, thank god) it looks like the WORLD of Warcraft might actually get a lot more player-populated than before, especially of players of max level.

    It's hard to tell just yet, I'm sure, at least based on numbers tuning and such, which classes will be great and which will be...less so, but at the very least we should have all the information on class utility and capabilities.

    In that regard, what classes do you think would be best for conducting World PvP in Legion? Besides Rogue and perhaps Druid; Stealth will always be a huge benefit in World PvP, so those two classes seem like they'll always at least be decent at it. Any others?

  2. #2
    Like you said, the stealthies will always reign supreme. I'm really excited for unholy dk. Looks like they have lots of versatility between melee and ranged combat, self heals, and a decently high skill cap so things won't get boring. Speaking of world pvp, does anyone know if UH's secret artifact trait that sometimes insta-kills things below 20% works in wpvp?

  3. #3
    I really like the look of the new UH DK too; out of all classes, it seems like DK might have some of the greatest fulfillment of class fantasy and diversity between their specs, combined with flashy visuals.

    It's the class I seem to be gravitating towards the most, but I'm still unsure yet. Not entirely certain how alt or reroll friendly Legion is going to be with Artifacts and whatnot, so it seems like choosing the right class for yourself at the start is even more important than before to keep up.

  4. #4
    Tanks. Period/end, full stop.

    in World PvP, PvP templates Do. Not. Apply. The PvP talents apply, but the templates do not.

    I cannot stress how important this is.

    Tanks, in PvE gear, have 2-3 times the HP of DPS and healers in the first tier of raiding alone (heading towards 3.5 times in Heroic-ish Raid gear). Blizzard has stated that tank health pools will be substantially larger than DPS/Healer health pools in PvE (they were initially talking 4-5 times, or even more) to allow them to spend more time "wounded" and less time see-sawing between "at full HP/almost dead".

    That means, that unlike in Template-PvP, where Tank HP pools are drastically reduced to be in-line with DPS and healer health pools, in World-PvP, tanks will have their full PvE stats, including health pools between 2.5-3.5 times the size of a DPS or Healer.

    Additionally, all tanking cooldowns, self-sustain (shields, self-healing), and other abilities are at their full PvE levels (they are heavily nerfed in Template-PvP).

    And to crown it all off, to make tanking more fun (and leveling as a tank viable), tanks put out around 85% of the dps of a pure DPS class.

    Which means:

    As a DPS, you have to beat a tank who:

    Has triple your health.
    Does 85% of the damage you do
    Has un-nerfed mitigation and self-healing.

    in the Beta, tanks are soloing 3-4 people at a time and coming out at full health.

    Well-equipped PvE tanks will rule World PvP. Anyone telling you otherwise is deluded.

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