1. #1

    Sub rogue Legion macro/addon question

    Hey, im very new too Sub rogue and wonders if anyone knows if there are any ways too fix a problem i have.

    I would want 1 key too use Backstab/Gloomblade when not in shadowdance + Shadowstrike when i am in Shadowdance.

    Is this doable without addons? Are there addons too sort this issue? If so, what once would you reccomand.

  2. #2
    nope sry, either get a keyboard that can do it with a hardware macro, or get used to them being on separate keys until blizzard realizes how much they fucked up.

  3. #3
    Ahh okay, that sucks man

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Garaad View Post
    Ahh okay, that sucks man
    yeah it does, it's basically the only thing that i dont like about the new sub(that and shadow dance having its own little GCD is annoying) thankfully we dont spend that much time outside shadow dance so if you bind backstab on hemo's spot and SS to backstab it wont be much different.

  5. #5
    You can kinda solve the shadow dance bar problem with /castsequence macros. But there is currently solution to your problem like shaunika said.

    /castsequence reset=1 shadow dance, shadow strike, shadow strike, shadow strike


    /castsequence reset=1 shadow dance, symbols of death, shadow strike, shadow strike, shadow strike

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