1. #1

    Where do Mongrel and Neutral Races fit in?

    With "Anduin - Son of Wolf" having come out and Velen's Vision of Anduin leading an army of Horde, Alliance, dragons and naaru against (presumably) the Void.

    I've sort of wondered where the non-faction aligned races fit in with this. I mean you have the mongrel races like gnolls, kobolds and murlocs, which are less intelligent than most races, but even then, would they really be that stupid to be oblivious to the threat of the Burning Legion and the Void?

    Even races like ethereal, furbolg and arrakoa, which are pretty average on intellect when it comes to the sapient races, don't seem to have any significant involvement (at least as of late).

    I don't know, I just like the idea of there being a point in the future where there's like an Azeroth/Outland/Draenor-wide army.

    Like one gigantic navy that consists of all the aqautic races. Tuskarr, murlocs, jinyu, makrura and gorloc storming out of the sea and on to the battlefield.

    Or dragons, arrakoa and proto-dragon-riding Vrykul just ascending down from the sky, doing aerial attacks.

    I don't know, I guess I'm just a fan of big battles. So yeah, what's your take on mongrel and neutral races and their role in helping Azeroth take down the Legion and the Void in the future?

  2. #2
    I think gnolls, kobolds, murlocs etc. arent aware of things outside the planet (they dont even know, they are on the planet). They care about food, their territories and nothing more. Its like to bring natives from rain forests to cosmic war.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ondray View Post
    I think gnolls, kobolds, murlocs etc. arent aware of things outside the planet (they dont even know, they are on the planet). They care about food, their territories and nothing more. Its like to bring natives from rain forests to cosmic war.
    that's a rubbish analogy, "natives" of any region are people, fully capable of the very best mankind has shown and the very worse, no matter what their background is, all you need is the education and the belief and any native, no matter how primitive or backward they might seem is capable of rising to the very best or the very worse anyone else has done.

    understand this about your fellow man, don't be one of those people who sit down and foolishly think someone is far less than someone else because of what they look like or live like, never underestimate or overestimate a human being.

    Saying that kobolds/gnolls/murlocs are nothing like "natives", in wow they are not fully developed sentients, like the player races and some others... so in that regard you're 100% correct about them, just not in your analogy.

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