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  1. #161
    For the same reason why people attack it without ever reading it

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by ForLoveOfMe View Post
    All done because of the inherit good moral values christianity has. It's not hard to see why you would want to push and even force christianity on people you colonized that had deviant religious practices like rape, child molestation, sexual organs altering or even human sacrifice. All that's prohibided by christianity and they easiest part of it that was popular back then and now as well "The 10 commandments".
    Those are still practices on heavily christian african nations nowadays.

    Western christianity is how it is because it was built upon Roman culture identity. But in many other nations it took different routes (like Prester John's kingdom of Ethiopia).

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    Judaism is not proselytizing, but that is not what you said.
    I should have been clearer - Judaism allows people to join - but neither encourages it, nor makes it easy. The door isn't locked for new converts, but certainly the door is more open in Christianity.

    But is there a reason you repeat this?

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by ForLoveOfMe View Post
    Africa is warlord teritory. If you are a millionare you can apply for one and rule a zone in Africa. Yet none of them are supported by the curent official churches. This isn't the Middle Ages with the crusades and Pope giving orders and going to war.
    The same way there are no Caliphates supporting jihads.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by ForLoveOfMe View Post
    All done because of the inherit good moral values christianity has. It's not hard to see why you would want to push and even force christianity on people you colonized that had deviant religious practices like rape, child molestation, sexual organs altering or even human sacrifice. All that's prohibided by christianity and they easiest part of it that was popular back then and now as well "The 10 commandments".

    Whoa. So.much.moral.relativism.and.bullshit.

    I don't even know how to cure this stupid.

    What the fuck are you talking about? I literally can't even.

    Have you paid attention in school at any point? Or Romania just skips over the whole Colonialism and Crusades thing?

    I don't have either the time or the patience to start explaining 2000 years of history to you.

    Almost everything we consider moral today is a product of the Enlightenment and Classical Philosophy. Reverting to the 10 Commandments is reverting the world to the Middle Ages.
    Last edited by Mihalik; 2016-07-25 at 01:45 PM.

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by Tauror View Post
    I didn't said that The Wealth of Nations has inherent violence in the book, neither Das Kapital has. But both were fundamentally followed in several cases, which led to violence and hatred.
    Das Kapital discussing the struggle between the classes naturally suggests violence; and was written together with 'The Communist Manifesto' that more clearly encourages it.
    But what were the examples of fundamentally following 'The Wealth of Nations' leading to violence?

  7. #167
    I imagine for the same reason people attack it without reading it.
    "Privilege is invisible to those who have it."

  8. #168
    Bloodsail Admiral Kalador's Avatar
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    You don't have to read it to defend the fact that no book should be proscribe and that freedom of religions is a constitutionally protected right in both canada and U.S.A...

    Also i don't want to read crappy books like the Bible or Quran, i tried with the bible and stop after 20 pages. It was more boring than the felowship of the ring... and it probably doesn't get better after 500 pages. Yes religion as deeply influence us and our society but today it's more of giant anchor slowing any advancement so if we could drop it i would be more than happy. I don't need to read a book to know it's full a crap. my time is better invested reading somthing else...

  9. #169
    At some points it is just as violent as the Bible and at others it's a little less.

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Daish View Post
    people don't create laws and get their moral values from the bible =P unlike the Quran
    Beg to differ.

    There's a damn good reason why the Founders of the US referred to God and Creator in the Christian sense whenever they spoke to people.

  11. #171
    Did ANYONE listen to all the Trump speeches to realize they are false? That is your answer.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Wait, who is defending the Qu'ran?

    It's a book.
    A book with contradicting things in it.
    A book with violent parts.
    A book that most "followers" don't fully follow (which would be impossible, with contradicting things).
    Did you just describe the bible?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Just because Mannoroth and Archimonde are involved doesn't mean it's Legion. They could just be on vacation, demolishing Draenor to build their new summer home.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    Did you know that salt has sodium and chlorine in it!!!! Sodium explodes when exposed to atmosphere and you clean your toilets with chlorine!!

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Daish View Post
    people don't create laws and get their moral values from the bible =P unlike the Quran
    People arguing against the legalization of gay marriage say hello.

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by Daish View Post
    people don't create laws and get their moral values from the bible =P unlike the Quran
    Actually, there are 613 "hints" how to live. No more, no less.

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Hana Song View Post
    I don't see why someone should read it before they defend it
    This is stupid.
    -=Z=- Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! -=Z=-

  16. #176
    Have you ever read the Bible?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    Look Batman really isn't an accurate source by any means
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    It is a fact, not just something I made up.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by ForLoveOfMe View Post
    Dunno who they are, but it's against christian teachings. Same can be said for every religion or even no religion. Invalid argument, try again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Africa is warlord teritory. If you are a millionare you can apply for one and rule a zone in Africa. Yet none of them are supported by the curent official churches. This isn't the Middle Ages with the crusades and Pope giving orders and going to war.
    The Bible has justified a great many terrible things, including those I mentioned. Some Christian groups also condone, participate, or cover up such activity. The Bible is every bit as bloody and gruesome as the Qur'an.

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by vain View Post
    make it a movie , reading is boring
    There is a movie about Mohammed and the origins of Islam. But it does not say much about the contents of the Quran iirc. They also do not show Mohammed in this movie but tell his story through the persons and events which accompanied him.

  19. #179
    10 pages? jeez, impressed it's been open this long.

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Beg to differ.

    There's a damn good reason why the Founders of the US referred to God and Creator in the Christian sense whenever they spoke to people.
    Our founders were a bunch of oppressive jerks who wanted to force their beliefs onto others. They wanted to take away freedoms from women and minorities. Thomas Jefferson was a serial rapist. As a nation, we have achieved far more freedom in spite of Christianity, than because of it.

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