Trying to get a group with weakauras for my 3 dots (Moonfire, sunfire and stellare flare as Boomkin) on bosses, so i easily can get an overview of what bosses needs refreshing their dots. Extra useful on council type of fight but also on fights with big adds coming up that shows up on bossframes like deathcaller or doomfire spirit on archimonde.

But - i dont get the tracking for Boss1, Boss2 etc to work - the auras doesnt show up when i dot them up, but sometimes the auras shows up. Very inconsistant while i have a similar group with tellmewhen addon that works smoothly - though i cant do the special things with tmw that i would like to do.

So my question is simply what settings i must use to get boss1 to work as target? I have used special unit - "boss1" so far.