So I would like to make a Weakauras progress bar to track quickening, its time left, stacks, whatever, and that is all well and good. My problem is that I think it would be extremely useful to have overlaid on the progress bar something that would show me the cast time of arcane blast in relation to how much time is left on quickening (kind of like how most cast bars can show you your ping in relation to the cast where the ping part is red). Obviously I can't just put a static bar on there because the cast time is going to be changing all the time. In my brain I have this image that like I could just look at the bar (which would be moving from right to left) and at some point the bar would be red, and as long as I cast arcane blast before the red area it would cast in time and I would not lose my quickening stacks. If you guys have any pointers on how to get Weakauras to do this or you have any ideas that might improve on or be better than this one let me know.