Server: Tanaris and Greymane
Faction: Alliance
Raid days/times: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:30 pm Server time.

Hello all!
My name is Allie and I started a guild a few months ago with my husband. So far it has exceeded my expectations and we have some amazing members. Now we are even getting a group together for raiding in Legion! Super Exciting! But we are in need of some more members to make a full raid group and to have a more consistent group willing to be on during our raid times. So far we have downed the first boss of Emerald Nightmare (first try too!) as a guild group. This has put us on the board on WowProgress. (rank 19 on the server currently). It would be awesome to finish the raid on normal difficulty and work our way to heroic, and maybe even mythic!

We are looking for members who are wanting to raid, even if you have never raided before. We are willing to put in the effort to teach and practice, as long as you are willing to put in the effort to learn and practice as well. If you are not yet geared to raid, we can help gear you up with mythic runs. We do run a lot of mythic dungeons throughout the week and have started on mythic+ as well.
We could really use more of each role. But a tank and a few more DPS would really help us out right now.

If you are not interested in raiding, but are looking for a really friendly and helpful guild this definitely is one. We do a lot of random stuff together and really have become a family as we have gotten to know and play with each other. We have really supported each other in game and in real life situations.

Please send me a message in game for more information or for an invite my battlenet tag is Allie#1232