1. #1

    When will you be redoing this website?

    Within one page of one thread your site continues to load for up to a minute after I'm looking at the content. No I don't mean one load takes a minute, I mean you've bogged the page down with so many scripts that apparently add nothing to the visuals or the functionality that I'm seeing new scripts for up to a minute after initial load. That absolute eye cancer of a website mmorpg.com runs about a billion times better than yours. I know the people in here probably have nothing to do with that but you should tell whoever is in charge that their site sucks and they should feel bad about presenting this turd to the world. I'd say the devs should be ashamed but they built this site back in the stone age of web development, time to update.

  2. #2
    Those are probably ads loading. They are set to load after you load the content so that you can start reading without waiting on ads to load. Unfortunately there are costs involved with running a site, so the ads are necessary.

    While the ads may take a while to load, the page is usable fairly quickly:


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