Hey guys!

I am here to ask a quick Q. I am currently pulling ~400k-410k dps on H Xavius. So I am no slouch. I sim, I try to gear appropriately and I follow logs. However I do not always treat sims as a bible. Here is a case where I am unsure the sims are right.

As I was investigating some top rogues on my realm and others, I noticed a few rogues were using Nature's Call. This surprised me, since the wowhead comments, trinket lists, etc do not think highly of it. Yet I saw several rogues on warcraft logs pulling 450k+ dps on Xavius using it. Is there something I am missing? Because I actually have a 865 one in my bags at the moment and I am thinking of using it over my 860 Terrorbound Nexus.

I haven't noticed a big difference while testing it in LFR, but maybe I am not using it right.

What are your opinions on this trinket?

I am running EP/AP at 42% crit and 109% mastery
