Thread: Needing Help

  1. #1

    Needing Help

    My co tank is a Protection Paladin and we're having some troubles with him. Healers have been complaining about him since the beginning of the tier, saying that he's hard to heal, spiky, and seems to be taking much more damage on an insane level than I am, as a Guardian Druid (Druids are very strong, I know, but I'm positive that Prot Pallies are not too far behind them). I haven't really read up too much on how Prot Pallies work now but I'd really like to help him. There are other issues in place in terms of communication and other fundamental tanking strategies, but right now I'm trying to get an understanding anything I can tell him to do or get him to do that will improve his play as a Paladin primarily, since I know what else needs to be said.

    Can anyone take a lot at these logs and see if there's anything I can bring up to him? This was from Tuesday, our last Heroic EN clear.

    I feel like from going through it, some issues would be cooldown management and SoTR uptime, but I'm not sure what his should be at since it's very different from last expansion.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    First off, it doesn't seem like he is spiky at all. He dropped below 25% HP literally one time that whole clear. Granted, it is heroic, but that seems to be the extent of your raiding at this point. Maybe the healers are still getting used to tanks not being self sufficient for the most part, like they have been for years.

    Now, on to things he can/should change.
    -He should take hand of the protector, not knights templar.

    -He is using Righteous Protector, but isn't using wings on cooldown, or using hotp. You should ask him what he thinks he's getting out of that talent. He should actually press CD's or use Last Defender instead.

    -Not using CD's on the pull.. He seems like he just presses them randomly? I guess he might be one of those people that has the 'tank damage doesn't matter' or 'its not my job to do dps' mindset, but that in itself is pretty dumb.

    -He seems to go long periods of time without pressing SotR. I think he's trying to only use it when actively tanking, and sitting on 3 charges. He should always keep 1-2 on cd and sit on 1-2, sitting on 3 is bad. He didnt press it until 30 seconds into the fight on nythendra, for example. It does a lot of dps.
    ^ That would explain why his SotR uptime is so low. I had a higher % uptime on Nythendra than he did, while also having 52% uptime on Seraphim.

    Phantasmal Echo, the haste trinket that he has on, is pretty worthless. The effect on it is useless, so it's essentially a stat stick trinket with only 1 stat on it.
    The tank trinket from Ursoc is also not great.

    I personally wouldn't enchant vers at all, but haste and vers are pretty close for us. Haste is more SotR uptime, vers is slightly less spiky outside of SotR. I guess until he gets used to actually pressing buttons, vers is better.

    My logs are below if you want to compare/have him look, etc.

  3. #3
    Thank you for the input! I know he was spiky in the past raids we've done, since I keep my co tank on my focus -- perhaps those logs were a bit of a bad example, since we've been clearing heroic for some time now and he as well as our healers have gotten a bit better in terms of gear and whatnot.

    The reason I'm posting here is because my guild wants to go into Mythic progression but right now him and a few others are holding us back from doing so. I like the guy so I wanna help him out as best I can.

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