1. #1

    Help with Legendaries - elemental

    Hey there,

    I'm thinking about making my ele shammy main since i enjoy him more than my monk and I dont know what legenadry should I use.
    Right now i have 3 legendaries with class research coming in 2 days.

    I have:
    Eye of the Twisting Nether - ring - Damaging enemies with your Fire, Frost, or Nature abilities increases all damage you deal by 2% for 8 sec. Each element adds a separate application.

    The Deceiver's Blood Pact - boots - Earth Shock has a 30% chance to refund all of the Maelstrom spent.

    Echoes of the Great Sundering - shoulders - Earth Shock has up to a 50% chance, based on Maelstrom spent, to cause your next Earthquake Totem to be free and deal 100% increased damage.

    As for now, I'm swapping only boots and shoulders, depending on situation. But with upcoming research how should i combine them? Is the ring any good on ele? Or should I just stick with shoulders/boots combo just for synergy? Also, is there any change in rotation/talent with ring ?

    My shammy armory if it helps: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...%C3%ADk/simple

    Thanks for any kind of help

  2. #2
    the boots and shoulders have amazing synergy at the moment, but the belt is getting buffed to do 18% of lava burst damage as dot to 40% lava burst damage as a dot
    I can imagine the heroism helm is ganna be bis for elemental as well though tbh

  3. #3
    Wow you sit on Shoulders and feet, aka BiS and 2nd BiS legendary and you ask which one you should use ? why blizzard. why you give the good shit to people that arent even into their class / game. WHYYY

  4. #4
    What ilmatic said, the boots and shoulders are amazing together. While the belt is getting buffed, but it's only worth using with the new Meatball Build.

    stormearthandlava.com/elemental-shaman-hub/ - has the info for the new 7.1.5 builds

  5. #5
    From Storm earth and Lava 7.2.5 guide probably a good place to start - https://www.stormearthandlava.com/ele/legendaries/

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jstreet View Post
    From Storm earth and Lava 7.2.5 guide probably a good place to start - https://www.stormearthandlava.com/ele/legendaries/
    You should reroll Necromancer if it ever becomes a class in wow.

  7. #7
    storm earth and lava. Google that and go to legendary tab. Will explain it all with data

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpspells View Post
    storm earth and lava. Google that and go to legendary tab. Will explain it all with data
    If you go to the 7.2.5 tab it has a legendary combo list which is Why I answered this old post. I was trying to find the best sim combinations of the legendaries. And didnt make a new post meh https://www.stormearthandlava.com/ele/legendaries/

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