
I was hoping to get some alternative thoughts and ideas on this mog I've been working on for quite some time now. Things I'm looking to change and need help with are the boots, gloves, potential belt, potential shoulders, and potential helmet. I like the rest of the set but those are what I'm looking for. If you have any other alternitive suggestions, I'm more than open. Here is the relivant information and screen shots:

Front: http://imgur.com/OcbTEAz
Back: http://imgur.com/SeezgqU
WoWHead/Mogit Link: http://www.wowhead. com/compare?items=87387:71994:136892:89575:89575:87338:59425:89562:11840:98838:95277:115559.0.

Mind the space in the WoWHead link!

Thank you!