1. #1

    Any chance someone can update Blizzard Raid Frames - Bigger Buffs?!?

    I've tried every addon and for some reason I just can't get away from Blizzards default Raid Frames. I have 3 issues (one of which I've solved) with the default raid frames,

    1) They use a progress timer. I would love a numerical countdown so I have a better idea of when to refresh my HOTs (I play a RDruid)
    2) They are CRAZY small icons
    3) They only show 4 buffs at a time (I was able to get around this by using an addon called BiggerDebuffs but unfortunately it doesn't make my buffs bigger)

    The only addon that I can find that makes my HOTs bigger is the addon Blizzard Raid Frames - Bigger Buffs and I'm just hoping someone can update the addon for 7.0.

  2. #2
    No. i dont think so.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Orpheus66 View Post
    1) They use a progress timer. I would love a numerical countdown so I have a better idea of when to refresh my HOTs (I play a RDruid)
    Iirc omnicc puts timers on nearly everything
    By default it's turned off for small frames so you would have to go to the options and set "Minimum Size to Display Text" to zero.
    Maybe you have to adjust the font size too

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