1. #1

    Mobile Legends: LoL on your phone

    Found this game last night. It's virtually the same as LoL but with a mobile controller. It's a lot of fun and more streamlined than LoL though less balanced. I'm looking for more information on what's the meta and general strategy in this moba.

  2. #2
    Vainglory. Check it out.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    Vainglory. Check it out.
    that's only a single lane and jungle. granted it has a decent following it's a small scale moba like twisted treeline was for lol. I'm sure it is a fun game but not quite what I was looking for. I like the complex strategies that 3 lanes bring out. Furthermore mobile legends has a really good skill layout with everyone having a niche. The mechanics of the game are very intuitive. You automatically select low health > heroes > towers > creeps but you can easily change to a specific target with your directional control stick. Skill shots are fairly easy to land unless your opponent is already dodging and you can quickly discern a person's skill. Mages offer consistent long range damage, marksmen offer lots of a damage at medium, tanks and fighters have reliable engagement tools and decent survivability, finally the supports do a lot of work. The pacing is approximately half the length of a league games with base defenses consolidated. Minions are very important and the jungle buffs have significant but not op effects. About the only thing that it doesn't do very well is balance each and every champion. Much like how blitzcrank has a game changing q, a lot of champs live or die by their combos. However if your doing well you can snowball past this and be the hero your team needs. Snowballing is a serious issue, especially if it's a marksman. I've had good games that ended very abruptly at 10 minutes when I've had enough of a lead to destroy anyone 1v1 and the enemy team doesn't organize to put me down. Essentially i just pushed up on the base and killed anyone who came to defend before more allies could join them. That's more of a new player vs experienced player topic anyway.

    My point is that the game is a miniature crack version of League with a great design.

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