
This is an advert for Judgement Guild which is currently housed on Turalyon server.

We are an adult only raid guild that has been active as long as the game has been available.
Our progress varies based on the membership we currently have but we always remain active pushing for the hardest content that our players can accomplish.

Sure, you could join a flash in the pan guild full up to the brim with players that exhibit attitudes that would get them knocked on their ass if they were not safely behind the anonymity of the internet. You know, that guild that forms up every so often, tears through the content then commences to tear through one another because their epee just cannot be contained.

Or you could join us, a community of people who enjoy playing the game at the hardest content that we can handle yet retaining our guild identity throughout all expansions.

If you are solely looking for a guild that will easily put you "on top" keep looking.

If you are looking for a guild that will be around next expac and the one after until Blizzard decides to shut down the servers then drop us a line.

Your role is irrelevant. If it does not fit with the raid group we will form another.
Your schedule is irrelevant as we are always willing to consider new groups within the guild.

What matters is that you enjoy playing the game and that you are consistently available for the schedule that you volunteer for.

My btag is inj#1944 drop me a line.

or send an e mail to judgementofantonidas@yahoo.com

a PM on here will even work.

Great raiding to you
Injustice founder and GM of Judgement