Thread: Token t19 + bis

  1. #1

    Token t19 + bis

    Hi all, what are the best token for sp ? I've got leg shoulder, so i take t19 head and chest, but what is the best for the 3rd and 4th part ? All of them got poly. And could you justify your choise please.

    And what is your bis list from all the new raid ?

    Do we have some news from weight of stat with the nerf ? 12k haste then mastery is done

    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Cloak and Gloves are the 'worst', they're also lowly budgeted items

    There are good glove and cloak alternatives

    Ilvl > All
    Sockets are worth roughly 10 ilvl
    Primary versatility weighted items are -5 ilvl

    Stats are all fairly even,
    Favor Haste until 13-14k
    If you spec AS, favor crit slightly more
    If you spec San'Layn, favor mastery slightly more

  3. #3
    Without Lengendary I chose:
    head (crit, mast)
    chest (crit, hast)
    shoulders (hast, mast)
    leggings (hast, vers)

    I have shoulders and wrist legendaries so maybe i will pick up:
    head (crit, mast)
    chest (crit, hast)
    leggings (hast, vers)
    back(vers, mast) for SL
    gloves (crit,vers) for AS.

    in my option of course :d
    @tiptopmemer has made a good observation and a solid choice ... (i will only equip when i get 4 set )

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