1. #1

    Is the Matchmaking broken in League?

    Hello everyone.

    I am a long time League player, ranking in on about 3.5k Games total or akin.

    In my playtime, i have come to wonder if the League of Legends matchmaking is broken. In the sense of that it gives unfavored matchups for people who are too high in the win %.

    I was at about 65% Win rate, in my Flex Ranked gameplay - Where i started to get match up with people who literally get stats like 2/19/1.

    Now, if you know anything about League, you understand how hard this is to compensate for. Further more, it becomes harder, because you are playing effectively 4v5 now - as your fifth person is nigh replaceable by a Bot.

    This is not a one time happening - And neither is it something that i would argue is the sole reason of how MMR is fudged up.

    Take this for instance - In playing Silver league Flex, (Silver 3, Silver 1 etc.) - I get matched with Platinum 2 players - Or even sometimes previous Diamond players.

    This to me, combined with the fact of matching up with people who are very polarized in skill (Read: There is always someone who tends to get very fed where there is someone else always very much feeding - So you have someone who goes 2/19 and the other goes 20/2).

    This leaves the question - is the MMR of League, in fact, broken? Is all, that League aims at, 50% Equilibrium of Win-rate ; Disregarding any other factor?

    Considering the fact of how many games are polarized in stat distribution as well : One team getting a lot of kills, the other very little. It's often a case of "Stomp" or "Get Stomped".

    Further more, the distance of player skill increases and becomes a problem in higher Rankings as well - Where i have previously experienced that going up to Gold 1 - I was starting to get people who were NOT qualified for their Platinum position.

    I am talking people who had 43% Win Rate allocations or people who were Sub 50%, and who clearly displayed that they are not supposed to be there.

    So, again, i am wondering, how can this be? Is the system, broken?

    Further more, meeting up with players who are far beyond their skill level in respective league - For instance, i just played some games in low Silver, Silver 4 - having been placed just after playing some in the new Season.

    I meet up with people who are pretty much having 90-95% ratio of taking minions - We are talking nigh LCS levels of last hitting ; like, constant 100 minions at 10ish mins, 150-160 at 15, etc. etc. And still backing as per normal.

    And this is in Silver 4 matchmaking. This, to me, seems to be a heavy indication of that the System, is really, really, really broken.
    Last edited by mmoc411114546c; 2017-02-11 at 07:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Um...no. The only thing that matters is your mmr, nothing else about your games matter. Even your win rate is meaningless except for how it affects your mmr.

    There is something wrong with their match making, this is evidenced by duo queuing where one of you gets autofilled to a role the other of you has as a secondary, while the autofilled persons secondary role is their partners primary role. For some reason the system is ok with auto filling when it doesn't need to. The other problem is that multiple people can be autofilled on one team.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jakeic View Post
    Um...no. The only thing that matters is your mmr, nothing else about your games matter. Even your win rate is meaningless except for how it affects your mmr.

    There is something wrong with their match making, this is evidenced by duo queuing where one of you gets autofilled to a role the other of you has as a secondary, while the autofilled persons secondary role is their partners primary role. For some reason the system is ok with auto filling when it doesn't need to. The other problem is that multiple people can be autofilled on one team.
    So you can get to high leagues by low MMR?

  4. #4
    yes it is u can get d4 players in high master games

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