View Poll Results: Rate Othmar.

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  1. #1

    [GAME] S2 - Rate The Character /10! Day #134: Othmar Garithos

    So... Kalec asked me to make the game topics in his absence to keep their timing and duration as consistent as possible. I will be doing so for the next few days as long as I don't get classes to teach in the morning. He gave me all the forms to make this as easy to copy/paste as possible, as well as the absolute liberty in choosing the characters, so hopefully I won't mess this up, but please tell me if I forgot something.

    - One character to be polled every day, to be voted on a scale of 1 to 10.
    - Each poll lasts for 24 hours and closes automatically. Shortly afterwards, a new Day starts!
    - We have an initial roster for S2 that will be picked from randomly. For the remainder of the Season, characters need 10 nominations to make it to the next poll, with players allowed a single S2 nomination a Day each.
    - Nominations expire every 5 days. Each day a character gets a new nominations, the 5 days counter resets again.
    - If a character has two incarnations, both from the main and alternative universes, then the poll will be referring to both versions simultaneously.
    - Every ten days, we will have a SPECIAL Day! We will host a character from Season 1 to re-vote! Meaning, Days #110,120,130... etc will be about characters from Season 1.
    - Days that end with 5 will always feature a major or an iconic character! Meaning, Days #115, 125, 135... etc will be similar to what the SPECIAL Days of S1 used to be, but the character will be picked from the nominations list instead of being a random major.
    - The same nominating rule apply for SPECIAL Days! Players can nominate a character for Season 2 AND for SPECIAL Days in the same post. So in other words, you can nominate twice per topic; once for S2, and once for S1!
    - The Game Master reserves the right to decline any nomination without giving the reason, though a reason will usually be provided.
    - The Game Master can participate in the voting, but is not allowed to nominate.
    - Regarding the S1 re-voted characters, there is no longer a criteria of votes to be achieved. Instead, the nomination will be treated like a competition; the character that gets the most votes before the next SPECIAL Day will be featured on the next SPECIAL Day.
    - Only SPECIAL Days nominations (S1 characters) are allowed during SPECIAL Days.
    - Have fun voting, everyone! And don't forget to place your nominations as well!
    Ranking Scale:

    10, and/or Contests Champions: Absolute Tier
    9.99 - 9: Deity Tier
    8.99 - 8: Great Tier
    7.99 - 7: Good Tier
    6.99 - 5: Average Tier
    4.99 - 4: Mediocre Tier
    3.99 - 3: Shit Tier
    2.99 - 1: Med'an Tier

    Today's Character: Othmar Garithos
    "I never trusted you vainglorious elves. It was a mistake to accept you into the Alliance in the first place."

    Ranking /10:

    Day #035: Lei Shen - Champion of the Helheim Battle Royal
    Day #110: Khadgar - 9.12 (87 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #034 (8.77 | 80 votes)
    Day #100: Aegwynn - 8.79 (113 votes)
    Day #086: Nazgrim - 8.75 (81 votes)
    Day #010: Arthas Menethil - 8.71 (52 votes)
    Day #021: Gul'dan - 8.65 (57 votes)
    Day #033: Medivh - 8.48 (56 votes)
    Day #059: Tirion Fordring - 8.47 (81 votes)
    Day #051: Yogg-Saron - 8.43 (77 votes)
    Day #071: Muradin Bronzebeard - 8.38 (72 votes)
    Day #068: Malygos - 8.27 (63 votes)
    Day #066: Kil'jaeden - 8.16/10 (69 votes)
    Day #107: Durotan - 8.14 (72 votes)
    Day #006: Varok Saurfang - 8.11 (37 votes)
    Day #130: Uther - 8.10 (72 votes) \\\ Descended from Day #063 (9.08 | 77 votes)
    Day #062: Maraad - 8.09 (66 votes)
    Day #074: Sargeras - 8.07 (75 votes)
    Day #007: Daval Prestor - 8.05 (20 votes)
    Day #076: Nozdormu - 8.04 (50 votes)
    Day #084: Drek'Thar - 8.03 (67 votes)
    Day #120: Varian Wrynn - 8.01 (79 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #036 (7.05 | 67 votes)
    Day #017: Cairne Bloodhoof - 7.98 (42 votes)
    Day #087: Katrana Prestor - 7.94 (77 votes)
    Day #053: Orgrim Doomhammer - 7.93 (80 votes)
    Day #001: Anduin Lothar - 7.90 (31 votes)
    Day #080: Ragnaros - 7.89 (71 votes)
    Day #070: Grommash Hellscream - 7.82 (72 votes)
    Day #132: Rommath - 7.81 (75 votes)
    Day #103: Kurdran Wildhammer - 7.78 (74 votes)
    Day #020: Illidan Stormrage - 7.77 (63 votes)
    Day #023: Ner'zhul - 7.76 (59 votes)
    Day #045: Zul'jin - 7.76 (54 votes)
    Day #026: Kel'Thuzad - 7.75 (62 votes)
    Day #052: Garrosh Hellscream - 7.73 (108 votes)
    Day #098: Vanessa VanCleef - 7.71 (62 votes)
    Day #125: Victor Nefarius - 7.71 (67 votes)
    Day #028: Anub'arak - 7.64 (50 votes)
    Day #054: Magni Bronzebeard - 7.62 (73 votes)
    Day #114: Cho - 7.57 - (73 votes)
    Day #037: Kael'thas Sunstrider - 7.55 (66 votes)
    Day #108: Kor'vas Bloodthorn - 7.53 (75 votes)
    Day #075: Sally Whitemane - 7.48 (71 votes)
    Day #032: Rexxar - 7.4 (63 votes)
    Day #088: Darion Mograine - 7.38 (63 votes)
    Day #115: Kargath Bladefist - 7.36 (67 votes)
    Day #025: Bolvar Fordragon - 7.34 (61 votes)
    Day #124: Ga'nar - 7.33 (81 votes)
    Day #083: Nobundo - 7.32 (64 votes)
    Day #056: Vashj - 7.17 (72 votes)
    Day #072: Edwin VanCleef - 7.12 (67 votes)
    Day #065: Brann Bronzebeard - 7.09 (77 votes)
    Day #117: Varimathras - 7.08 (70 votes)
    Day #008: Fandral Staghelm - 7.04 (23 votes)
    Day #047: Alexstrasza - 6.95 (73 votes)
    Day #043: Malfurion Stormrage - 6.93 (73 votes)
    Day #094: Thassarian - 6.93 (67 votes)
    Day #016: Chen Stormstout - 6.92 (39 votes)
    Day #004: Cho'gall - 6.88 (34 votes)
    Day #105: Algalon - 6.88 (73 votes)
    Day #082: Akama - 6.87 (61 votes)
    Day #093: Alexandros Mograine - 6.85 (86 votes)
    Day #119: Hamuul Runetotem - 6.81 (70 votes)
    Day #040: Thrall - 6.75 (83 votes)
    Day #027: Sylvanas Windrunner 6.74 (93 votes)
    Day #044: Moira Bronzebeard - 6.73 (67 votes)
    Day #013: Wrathion - 6.68 (40 votes)
    Day #078: Mal'Ganis - 6.66 (57 votes)
    Day #109: Farondis - 6.65 (70 votes)
    Day #005: Liadrin - 6.64 (36 votes)
    Day #039: Archimonde - 6.58 (81 votes)
    Day #067: Ysera - 6.57 (70 votes)
    Day #113: Loken - 6.56 (70 votes)
    Day #069: Taretha Foxton - 6.52 (60 votes)
    Day #042: Lor'themar Theron - 6.49 (94 votes)
    Day #079: Darius Crowley - 6.46 (56 votes)
    Day #046: Tyrande Whisperwind - 6.4 (73 votes)
    Day #111: Krasus - 6.33 (72 votes)
    Day #030: Azshara - 6.32 (75 votes)
    Day #038: Magatha Grimtotem - 6.27 (55 votes)
    Day #096: Arugal - 6.21 (70 votes)
    Day #118: Ymiron - 6.18 (66 votes)
    Day #128: Li Li Stormstout - 6.16 (75 votes)
    Day #019: Rokhan - 6.15 (38 votes)
    Day #041: Nathanos Blightcaller - 6.1 (70 votes)
    Day #003: Maiev Shadowsong - 6.09 (33 votes)
    Day #022: Jaina Proudmoore - 6.04 (66 votes)
    Day #014: Johnny Awesome - 6.03 (37 votes)
    Day #012: Genn Greymane - 6.02 (54 votes)
    Day #011: Baine Bloodhoof - 6 (43 votes)
    Day #095: Vincent Godfrey - 5.96 (72 votes)
    Day #102: Halduron Brightwing - 5.91 (73 votes)
    Day #090: Mannoroth - 5.9 (73 votes)
    Day #126: Anveena Teague - 5.9 (75 votes)
    Day #091: Teron Gorefiend - 5.88 (66 votes)
    Day #121: Y'shaarj - 5.88 (81 votes)
    Day #031: Shandris Feathermoon - 5.86 (57 votes)
    Day #015: Garona Halforcen - 5.8 (25 votes)
    Day #000: Kalecgos - 5.74 (31 votes)
    Day #018: Alleria Windrunner - 5.73 (40 votes)
    Day #101: Helya - 5.73 (80 votes)
    Day #116: Taylor - 5.73 (71 votes)
    Day #092: Gruul - 5.72 (68 votes)
    Day #050: The Hero - 5.71 (77 votes)
    Day #064: Sinestra - 5.62 (65 votes)
    Day #057: Millhouse Manastorm - 5.53 (66 votes)
    Day #077: Valeera Sanguinar - 5.52 (61 votes)
    Day #029: Vol'jin - 5.4 (82 votes)
    Day #002: Velen - 5.39 (23 votes)
    Day #127: Kur'talos Ravencrest - 5.3 (71 votes)
    Day #104: Catherine Rogers - 5.24 (81 votes)
    Day #060: Anduin Wrynn - 5.23 (79 votes)
    Day #049: Elune - 5.21 (70 votes)
    Day #073: Jarod Shadowsong - 5.18 (55 votes)
    Day #112: Gelbin Mekkatorque - 5.15 (80 votes)
    Day #131: Nekros Skullcrusher - 5.09 (65 votes)
    Day #099: Neptulon - 5.01 (68 votes)
    Day #081: Putress - 4.97 (64 votes)
    Day #061: Yrel - 4.78 (75 votes)
    Day #058: Moroes - 4.77 (66 votes)
    Day #133: Pepe - 4.76 (69 votes)
    Day #089: Falstad Wildhammer - 4.75 (51 votes)
    Day #123: Malorne - 4.73 (64 votes)
    Day #009: Lilian Voss - 4.64 (33 votes)
    Day #085: Rhonin - 4.61 (67 votes)
    Day #048: Daelin Proudmoore - 4.48 (73 votes)
    Day #055: Vereesa Windrunner - 4.27 (82 votes)
    Day #129: Mudmug - 4.16 (63 votes)
    Day #122: Aggra - 3.65 - (81 votes)
    Day #097: Jastor Gallywix - 3.64 (66 votes)
    Day #106: Phaoris - 3.18 (67 votes)
    Day #024: Med'an - 2.37 (70 votes)

    Season 2 Roster:

    Aethas Sunreaver
    Cordana Felsong
    Harrison Jones
    Huln Highmountain
    Kilrogg Deadeye
    Lorna Crowley
    Ly'leth Lunastre
    Meryl Felstorm
    Monkey King
    Taran Zhu
    Thisalee Crow
    Thoras Trollbane
    Varedis Felsoul


    Al'Akir* - 9/10 (Ethenil, Wind, Xiu, Neil, Luka, Steel, Arafal, Amaterasu, Star)
    Terenas Menethil*** - 8/10 (Neil, Ethenil, Star, Enthralled, Arafal, Snow, Superman, Amaterasu)
    Yu'lon*** - 8/10 (Xiu, Arafal, Ethenil, MK, Crunk, Enthralled, Amaterasu, Star)
    Alonsus Faol* - 6/10 (Ethenil, Xiu, Enthralled, Arafal, Superman, Amaterasu)
    Drakuru* - 6/10 (Ethenil, Craw, Neil, Wind, Xiu, Superman)
    Eitrigg* - 2/10 (Roudene, Ethenil)
    Liam Greymane**** - 1/10 (Neil)
    Valanar** - 1/10 (Ethenil)
    Reshad** -1/10 (Ethenil)
    Zaela** - 1/10 (Neil)
    Jubeka Shadowbreaker* - 1/10 (Roudene)

    SPECIAL Days Re-voting:

    Gul'dan - 9 (Wind, Star, Xiu, Superman, Bat, Arafal, Shampro, MK, Craw)
    Kalecgos - 9 (Star, Amaterasu, Xiu, Superman, Ethenil, MK, Arafal, Enthralled, Runes)
    Illidan Stormrage - 9 (Runes, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Arafal, Dianna, Star, Ethenil, Luka)
    Maiev Shadowsong - 7 (MK, Shampro, Bat, Craw, Luka, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Kael'thas Sunstrider - 6 (Random, Superman, Star, Xiu, Enthralled, Amaterasu)
    Arthas Menethil- 6 (Wind, Neil, Star, Superman, Arafal, Xiu)
    Vol'jin - 6 (Zulkhan, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Wind, Star)
    The Hero - 5 (Craw, Aeula, Snow, Cereal, Wind)
    Anduin Wrynn - 5 (Wind, Craw, Amaterasu, Arafal, Jason)
    Medivh - 5 (Wind, Superman, Xiu, Bat, Arafal)
    Sylvanas Windrunner - 5 (FImmo, Craw, Runes, Arafal, Xiu)
    Lor'themar Theron - 3 (Chase, MK, Arafal)
    Zul'jin - 3 (Captain, Superman, Zulkhan)
    Alleria Windrunner - 2 (Star, Snow)
    Sargeras - 2 (Jason, Wind)
    Ysera - 2 (MK, Zanjin)
    Nazgrim - 2 (Saaf, Claw)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 2 (Wind, Arafal)
    Nozdormu - 2 (Wind, Enthralled)
    Vereesa Windrunner - 2 (Runes, Arafal)
    Yrel - 1 (Wind)
    Anduin Lothar - 1 (Wind)
    Garrosh Hellscream - 1 (Wind)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 1 (Craw)
    Aegwynn - 1 (Bat)
    Nathanos Blightcaller - 1 (MK)
    Elune - 1 (Ethenil)

  2. #2
    Massive racist, especially towards elves - that's a 10/10

  3. #3
    I gave it a lot of thought. I still couldn't give him more than 1/10 because I couldn't be unbiased.

    I really hate his character, and that means for his role in the story he is supposed to be a decently presented character at least. My mental score is between 4 and 5 for the purpose he served, but my hatred for his personality and how he treated the Sin'dorei was too strong for me to overlook.

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer steelballfc's Avatar
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    the reason why forsaken and blood elf's joined the Horde
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    I just love the idea of "I want to murder people in moderation".
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulkhan View Post
    the only "positive" in your case is that, unlike Blizzard's writers, you aren't paid for that.

  5. #5
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Fuck no, i hated this racist bitch with a passion.
    Bless sylvanas for getting rid of that ass.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #6
    High Overlord Superman Z's Avatar
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    He deserves a 5/10. I get it, you people hate him for what he did to the elves, and I can sympathize, but we don't get many characters in a similar role anymore so I appreciate such a character.

    I will nominate Danath Trollbane again in hope that he doesn't fall this time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    What I think about Naisha:

    "No matter how much the elite neckbeard corps wet dream about it and wants to believe it to be real, Maiev and Naisha were not and will never be a couple of lesbian night elf lovers."

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Superman Z View Post
    I will nominate Danath Trollbane again in hope that he doesn't fall this time.
    I'll help you this time, nominating him aswell.

  8. #8
    The Insane Aeula's Avatar
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    Nearby, preventing you from fast traveling.
    Too biased to vote higher than 1/10. It gives me great comfort to know that Garithos is literally ghoul shit right now. Hopefully Jaina's next.

  9. #9
    High Overlord Superman Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Douchebag View Post
    I'll help you this time, nominating him aswell.
    You truly are a mighty hero. By the authority granted to me by the nerd society, I hereby bestow upon you the rank of an honorary member of the Justice League, alongside the likes of Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman and myself, among many esteemed others.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    What I think about Naisha:

    "No matter how much the elite neckbeard corps wet dream about it and wants to believe it to be real, Maiev and Naisha were not and will never be a couple of lesbian night elf lovers."

  10. #10
    Giving him a 1/10 because of my sheer hatred for him.

    Signature made by Hinoto.

  11. #11
    Now this one is interesting. He's a disgusting, racist piece of (ghoul)shit, but his impact led to the blood elves eventually joining the Horde, as well as them joining the Illidari.
    On the other hand, without him and all the consequences, Kael'thas might still be a faction leader today, even if it was in the Alliance instead.

    Therefore I conclude that without him my favorite character might not have been completely ruined. Can't give him anything but 1/10.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Superman Z View Post
    You truly are a mighty hero. By the authority granted to me by the nerd society, I hereby bestow upon you the rank of an honorary member of the Justice League, alongside the likes of Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman and myself, among many esteemed others.
    Awesome, I guess my superpowers will be enhanced douchebaggery.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Douchebag View Post
    Massive racist, especially towards elves - that's a 10/10
    Massive racist, especially towards elves - that's a 3/10

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethenil View Post
    Massive racist, especially towards elves - that's a 3/10
    You hit the exact rating I actually gave him, that's pretty kewl yo.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Douchebag View Post
    You hit the exact rating I actually gave him, that's pretty kewl yo.
    That is my rating as well. I followed the conversation and it was funny seeing 0 x 10 votes considering your post.

    Interesting pick, @Starshade. I admit that I didn't think about him when you said yesterday that you will pick a character you hate, but knowing you it is easy to take you as a passionate Garithos hater.

    The reason I gave him that rating is because my reasoning falls exactly in the middle between Star's and Superman's; I can't be unbiased yet I acknowledge his role and the need for similar characters in the franchise.

  16. #16
    High Overlord Dahlia Dawnseeker's Avatar
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    Just so that people are aware, we are covered all the way to Day #176 (including SPECIAL Days.)

    I think we are going on an acceptable rate, so don't be shy to nominate folks.

  17. #17
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Instant 10/10 for bitch-handling elves and than having enough dignity to die without setback. He is a real HUMAN bean. And a real hero.
    If wow characters had theme songs this would be his:

  18. #18
    King of the True Alliance, triggering haughty, anorexic mana addicts since 2003.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderaan View Post
    All it takes is an incel at the wrong place wrong time and we won't even know what hit us.

  19. #19
    Being a racist towards elves and dwarves that really wanted to help him / accepting Sylvanas' offer without hesitation. It shows how well this character is NOT written. 1/10

    I'm so glad Sylvanas didn't rise this scum as one of her forsaken.

    Mathias Shaw

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Roudene View Post
    It shows how well this character is NOT written.
    He is written though...

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